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Yeji's POV

I'm hanging out again with Jake now. As usual, at the cafeteria.

"aye, you wanna check me out at practice today?" Jake offered. "maybe you can just come by."

"I can make time. I don't really have anything after this." I look up slightly to the right, thinking.

"bring your other friends, it's okay. we have like annual match with other university. So, we're practicing more." Jake informed. He then looks at his watch. "well, I better get going. Need to warm up and everything."

"okay!" I said as I watch him standing up from his seat. "good luck with practice!"


Turns out, Julia also has nothing to do this evening. I invited her to watch Jake's practice so I don't feel alone.

"I guess people are watching them." Julia commented after noticing that there are more people than we expected. "let's sit over there." She grabs my hand and drag me over to the front side of the seatings.

"I guess we're early...?" I wondered. Jake said that the training will start at four and I decided to just come a little later.

"look." Julia pointed at the players' entrance gate. "is that the guy?"

"oh, yeah, that's him." I noticed Jake coming out, followed by his team. "let's go, Jake!" I cheered.

As well as the other audience, of course. I'm not really into sports, but I can see that they're warming up themselves, shooting their shots for some rounds. It goes quite slow. I think they're just taking their time to really practice the shots from every angle.

"hi! Can I sit here?"

Both me and Julia looked up. I see Sunoo smiling up at us, asking for permission. Hell, his skin is better than mine.

"oh, sure. It's empty." I said to him and he sits beside me.

"who are you here for? Is it for that guy, Finny? You seem like his type." Sunoo asked. I supposed he's just talkative like that.

"no, actually. Jake asked me to come." I replied politely. "what about you?"

"oh, totally for Jake. Are you close with him?" he crossed his legs and turned his body towards me.

"a little, yes. I mean, we hang out often." I shrugged.

"yikes." He looks to the court again. "no offends, but, I bet he asked these people to come as well."

"I'm Yeji, by the way. Sorry." I forgot to introduce myself. "this is my friend, Julia."

"nice to meet you. But, I already know you." Sunoo smiled at us. "nice to meet you Julia." He glanced at her and look back at me. "anyway, it's about to start. Zuha told me she'll come, but, whatever."

"you know Zuha too?" I looked at him.

"of course. That gal hangs out with Ryujin, like, a lot. Besties, right?" Sunoo casually replied. Okay, I understand now.

The match starts and goes as it should be. I pretty much enjoyed it. Sunoo is friendlier that I thought. It's just he's sarcastic and sassy, but not a problem. I look at my phone and see that it's already seven.

"see that? That girl ditched me!" Sunoo is talking about Zuha. Maybe she's not into sports like me. "I know she'd rather be with her girlfriend."

"at least you can see Jake, right? You're a fan of him." I responded.

"more like having a crush on him." Julia chimed in. "am I right?" she giggled.

"stop~ you're making me blush." Sunoo flicked his wrist at her. "true, though."

Now that the game is ending, the front gate opens up. People starts coming out of the gym and some enters the court. When I pay attention a little bit. I noticed some guys and girls. Looks like they're from the fight club based on their clothes.

"oh my god! Ryujin!" Sunoo called. This guy really has no shame.

"hey!" Ryujin as well, shouting across the gym. Based on their interaction, I know they're already close. "Yeji!"

Shit. Is she gonna get mad because I didn't tell her? I better hide my face. I just look down and glanced at Julia.

"what are you doing? Is she your date or something?" Sunoo asked.

"I didn't tell her that I'm gonna be here." I told him.

"oh no. she's talking to Jake." Sunoo excitedly claps his hands. "I LOVE drama."

I look up to see them talking. Of course I can't hear them, but, I feel like it's nothing serious. Then, Ryujin looks at me again with a smile on her face. I shiver at that, I don't know why. I just look at Jake and he does the same. What the hell are these guys doing?!

"let's come down." Julia stands up and walks first.

The three of us goes up to Ryujin. Though I feel guilty, Sunoo is pushing me to just come up to her.

"did you watch them? are they good?" Ryujin asked, being unbothered by the fact that I'm here without telling her.

"they're so good. Especially-"

"Jake?" Ryujin scoffed, nudging Sunoo's arm. "such a loser." She then looks at me. Now, I'm scared. "did you enjoy it? I know you're not into sports that much."

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you." I blurted out. "I came because Jake invited me."

"I see." Ryujin puckered her lips and tap it a few times with her finger. "I can't forgive you." She said and my heart stops for a sec there. "unless you come to see me train with the others tomorrow." She smiled brightly. "I'm gonna go prepare the mattress and equipment we need. Since it's Saturday, we start it early around nine." She informed.

"yes! Are you in the lineup?" Sunoo asked.

"well, no." Ryujin giggled. "but, I'll be helping them tomorrow. Just like the basketball team, not all of us get to the game."

"you want me to come as well?" Julia nudged my arm. "I can wake you up, at least."

"yes, please." I pouted at her.

"do you want me to call you instead?" Ryujin offered. "you know what? I'll just call you." She smiles warmly at me. "I gotta go. See ya'll tomorrow!"

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