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Jieun's POV

Just like my usual days, me and Yeji are going to have a lunch together. Well, a little late. I already know her favorite orders so I just ordered it for her. I have a tray with our foods and now I have to look for a place to sit.

I came first today. Yeji told me that she needs to submit something to her professor. I found a spot and just sit there, waiting for Yeji.

"Jieun!" I heard Yeji's voice calling me. she goes straight to sit beside me. that's where she usually sits. I don't mind, though. "tuna sandwich? Melon juice? You're the best! I'm starving."

"no breakfast again? That's a bad habit, Yeji." I stifle. I already told her to have her breakfast, but she never seem to listen. "let's just eat."

"you know I can't wake up early. I grabbed a slice of bread from the counter." Yeji chuckles. Even I got mad at Ryujin and Sohee if they didn't have their breakfast. "you have another class after this, right?"

"unfortunately, I don't. Doctor Clay got hospitalized, you know that, right?" I informed. There's no substitute either.

"oh, right. I got the substitute earlier. You don't?"

"still no info on it. probably not. I'm going straight to library." An idea came up to my head. "what about you? I'm doing nothing anyway."

"wanna have some dessert? I have like three hours before my online course." Yeji informed, finishing her sandwich. She eats so fast, I can't understand it until now.

"oh, the one you applied for last week? How can you keep up with those? You even go to parties." I looked at her. I'm impressed with her performance.

"not every week. I study when I need to, I party when I want to." Yeji giggles cutely. "well, I don't think I can party anymore. Sohee doesn't want me to go alone after what happened." She looks at me. "she's kinda scaring me. I don't wanna argue."

"she's still on fire. She's like that when triggered." I just told her honestly. Besides, they're close enough. "if nothing happened, she'd act normally. She's a sweet girl, right?"

"she is." Yeji smiles slightly. "but... there's this... small tiny fights. We can talk through it in that moment, though. It doesn't really bother me." she sighs. "we're not even in a relationship, Jieun. Why does she seem so scared and possessive over me?"

"I don't know either. All I know is she's just that kinda person. Don't think that when we're sisters, I know all about my siblings. We're getting more private towards each other. We just share what we wanna share." I told her about us like that.

"so far, I put you first among you three." Yeji stated. I know she's joking because she giggles after saying that. "you guys are so nice despite our little problems. I don't have a problem with you, though. You've been so kind to me, giving me advices, helping me. I don't know. you're just less... problematic." She purses her lips.

"what are you saying?" I fold my arms, placing them on the table.

"I think... your partner would be grateful to have a girlfriend like you." Yeji smiles at me warmly. "don't you think so?"

"I don't know either. If you think like that, then I'll take the compliment." I returned the smile.

"hey, it's the truth. You have everything I want." Yeji blurted out. "no, I mean... you know what I mean... right?"

"I know, I know..." I just chuckle. That's pretty cute. Pretty and cute. "let's just get your dessert."


I just ordered our dessert and now I'm walking back to our table. I noticed that Yeji is holding her stomach, like massaging it.

"what's wrong?" I asked.

"I think I started my period." Yeji hissed, still holding her stomach. "is it okay if we just go back? I'm really sorry."

"it's totally fine, Yeji. I have a pad if you need. Or you prefer tampons?" I searched through my bag.

"just the pad, please."

I give her the pad and she gets up to go to the restroom. With no hesitation, I follow her and wait for her. after some time, she gets out from one of the stalls.

"turn around for me." I asked her to check her pants. I have to take off my cardigan to cover up her lower part. I help her put it on.

"you smell nice, by the way." Yeji suddenly said. I'm kinda taken aback. "new perfume?"

"no, it's just my usual one. well, the other usual one." I stifle. "we need to get our food before walking back. I'll walk with you."


Arriving at Yeji's dorm, Yeji goes straight lay on the couch. it seems like she's in so much pain.

"do you need anything? was it always this painful?" my hand goes to rub her belly gently.

"I don't know. maybe I'm too tired or stressed out." Yeji sighs.

"I always told Ryujin the same thing. You should cut down the drinks. She's just like you." I shared. It's the truth, anyway. I somehow started to care for Yeji like I care about my sisters.

"yeah, maybe I went too overboard. You know, in high school I sneaked out to drink with my friends at the back of a convenience store." Yeji giggles. "I don't really drink as much. just when I have time or chance."

"you're just naughty, basically." I joked. "do you want some warm water?"

"please? I'm sorry you have to do all this. I usually do it myself when I have enough energy." She sits up slowly.

"hey, it's no biggie. I'm used to this." I said as I walk to the electric water boiler. "oh, you have tea. Want some?"

"no, I'm okay. it's getting better."

I also prepare a compress for her tummy. It helps with Ryujin's pain, maybe works for her too.

"a warm cloth too?! thank you!" Yeji cheered. "wait." She lies down and lifts up her shirt.

"Yeji! Why didn't you- what the fuck?"

I look back after hearing the door open. Sohee barged in, already with flushed face and furrowed eyebrows.

"I didn't check my phone at all, Sohee. Can you be patient? I'm not feeling well." Yeji looks at her. I know she's bothered by Sohee's attitude.

"you could've called me or text me. what happened? Why are you taking your clothes off?" Sohee walks closer.

"stop thinking negatively. She's on her period." I chimed in. "you wanna take over?"

"what do you need?" Sohee looks at Yeji.

"just go home, Sohee. You're stressing me out." Yeji looks away. "I don't wanna argue with you today. You always take things personal."

"what? why are you like this? do you like her now?" Sohee raised her voice.

"what's wrong with you? I need my space. You better leave now. I'm tired, Sohee. Please..."

"just go. I'll make sure she's okay." I looked at Sohee. "give her time, okay?"

"fine. have fun you two."

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