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“Hey, Yeosang?” A knock was heard at the door which quickly made Yunho and I stop talking about the date. Right as we shut up the door opened and San walked in. He then leaned against the door as he closed it.

“What did you need?” I asked.

“Well since Jeongin is going to move in here, Jongho, Felix, Seungmin, and I were going to go and help him pack some stuff up and start to move it here. I just wanted to inform you that we are leaving, Wooyoung will still be here though.”

I nodded my head and got up to give San a hug, “Thanks for telling me, um did you see Jisung when you were about to come in here?”

San looked at me confused and then over to Yunho, “I thought you guys knew he was leaving. He came downstairs not too long ago and said he had to leave because something urgent came up.”

“Oh, no he didn’t tell us he was leaving. I guess he just got notified.” Yunho said with a shrug and he stood up, “Anyways, Yeosang I think I’m also going to leave. I’m going to stop by the studio and see how far along Mingi and the others are.”

“Ok have fun.” I gave Yunho a hug before he exited the room. Once he was gone I turned my attention back to San.

“You sure you guys have enough help with the packing, I bet Wooyoung wouldn’t be against helping and I would also help.”

San smiled and then shook his head and he started to exit the room and walk down the stairs with me falling right behind him, “You can just rest ok. Wooyoung told me what happened with your parents and I think you should just stay here with him for a bit, ok?”

“Ok, fine I'll stay.”


As San and I reached the living room he pulled me close and kissed the top of my head. “Ok the others are waiting in the car, Wooyoung is in the kitchen so anyways have fun.”

I smiled at San and before he walked away I pulled him close again and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He smiled at me before walking out of the house to meet the others. Once he was gone I walked into the kitchen to see Wooyoung happily dancing while making what looked like a smoothie.

“Are you making a smoothie?”

“Yeah. I thought since the others are gone and since your parents came today that you needed a small treat. So while everyones out we will cuddle up on the couch and watch something of your choosing while drinking these smoothies I made for you.”

I smiled at Wooyoung and then happily wrapped my arms around his waist, “Thank you.”

He weaved his hand through my hair before lightly pulling my head slightly back to join our lips together in a slow, sweet kiss. Before the kiss could get any more heated Wooyoung pulled away and turned back to the smoothie.

“How about you go and get changed into more comfortable clothes and then pick out something to watch while I finish making this, ok?”

“Okay.” I gave Wooyoung a quick peck on the lips before skipping away from him and going upstairs.

Once I was upstairs I went through Sans closet looking for one of my favorite hoodies he always wears. The second I saw it I smiled and quickly took off what I was wearing before throwing the hoodie on. I then removed my pants and sat down on the bed. As I sat down I reached over to a side cabinet near the bed and pulled out the lotion. I then started to apply the lotion to my legs.

As I was applying the lotion I traced over some of my old scars and sighed. Sometimes I really wish I thought about my future when I started to hurt myself. Now I forever have these scars and I hate it. Sometimes I feel really embarrassed when I wear shorts because of the scars, but I know I can be around Wooyoung and San and they don’t judge at all.

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