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~Han pov~

"Guys! Minho's having a party tonight!" I scream this at the top of my lungs. As I run down the stairs and into the living room of my shared house.

I live with Changbin, Hyunjin, and Bangchan. They are all in the living room playing games, but when I enter the room they all just glare at me and stop playing. This is almost always their reaction when I mention Minho.

"You are so obsessed with him. Why don't you just talk to him already and stop stalking him." Changbin says with annoyance in his voice.

I roll my eyes then sit next to him. "Because I am not even on his radar but at least I know his name unlike you. You  love this guy that you haven't even said 2 words to and who you don’t know his name."

"We say hello to each other. . ."

I scoff then roll my eyes again, "Yeah whatever, anyway do you guys want to come with me to the party!"

"I have work I need to do." Chan says.

"I'll go if Changbin goes."

"Well then Hyunjin I guess you will be with me here then. I don't really feel like going."

"Come on guys! Minho always throws big parties. Your little crush might be there. Maybe you could talk to-"

"I'll come!"

"You're so whipped." All of us say at the same time, making Changbin blush and continue playing his game without talking.

~Minho's house~

When we arrive at the house, we all go our separate ways. We told each other we will meet up by the front in a few hours. Changbin wanted to go look for the pink haired boy, and Hyunjin just followed him so it left me alone.

I decided to go and grab a drink to pass the time. To be honest I don't fully even know why I came here, I think I just wanted to see Minho but I am not going to admit that to the others.

When I finally find a beer to drink I turn around and run into a guy. He looks at smiles happily before embracing me into a hug.


The second he says my name I lightly push him away. I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I don't know this person so I don't want him touching me.

"Who are you, and how do you know my name?"

"I'm Jeongin but you could call me I.N if you want. I'm the guy you helped one time. I was crying in the bathroom and you were the first person who cared enough to ask me if I was ok. I was having a horrible week, but you really made it better. I just wanted to say thank you, and I wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to come hang out with my friends and I."

Jeongin was smiling one of the biggest smiles ever waiting for me to respond. To be honest I didn't know if I should go with him. I don't fully even remember doing that, and he could be a stalker, for all I know he could kill me. However he looks so innocent so I just agreed to go with him.

"Oh just so you know my friends can be a bit much when they are drunk. They shouldn't be too drunk yet but just a heads up. One of them is very hyper, one gets really emotional, and the other one gets sexual when drunk. They won't hurt you though."

He started leading me away from everyone else and down a long hallway. I didn't think much of it at first until he opened a door that led down stairs probably to the basement. I stopped at the top of the staircase and grabbed his arm, "Don't you think Minho would get mad if some random people went into his basement? I don't want to make him mad."

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