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When we reached the school I got uneasy. All of the control I felt just not to long ago was all gone. I didn't want to go back into this hell hole, maybe I can convince them to take me back home.

I turn around and see Wooyoung and San looking a bit sad, and whispering things to eachother. I wonder what they are talking about, I bet it is about me and how I ruined there life's.

When they reach me they smile though and then San says, "2 more classes then we can go home."

"Plus dance is the next class, and we have that with everyone." Wooyoung added with a smile.

I smiled back at him then I turned around, so I could still walk with Seonghwa and Hongjoong. When I turned around though, they where gone. Must have already left to the classroom. I turned to Woosan and then I ask them if I could hold there hands.

Wooyoung smiled at me then laced his fingers with mine. San did the same to my other hand then we started walking. It made me feel happy having them next to me, almost as happy as Seonghwa makes me feel. However it was a different type of happy that I couldn't place my finger on. It was sort of like the happy I felt in my last relationship when I was with-

"San, Wooyoung, come here real quick" I see Yunho waving over the 2 boys.

Wooyoung turned to me then said they whould be right back. The second that their hands left mine, I felt cold and scared.

When they walked away from me I looked around the room to try to find someone else. I saw Seonghwa and Hongjoong in the corner. Seonghwa was stretching, but Hongjoong was just watching him stretch. I was going to go over to them, but I didn't want to disturb them.

I kept on looking until my eyes landed on Jongho. He was sitting near Yunho, but not to close. I walked over to him then sat down.

When I sit down next to Jongho he smiles at me. It is such a nice smile that it makes me also happy. "Oh hello Hyung! How's it going?"

"Good. I guess, you?"

"It's great! Everyone in my classes are super nice. How are San and Wooyoung treating you? I know that they can be a lot somtimes."

"They are good. They are acually really nice and caring."

Jongho smiles at me then starts stretching again. I get up and then dicide it is probley time for me to change, so I go to the locker room after telling Jongho what I am doing.

When I enter I hear a familiar voice, yet I don't remember where I heard it. I peak my head around the corner and see it was Changbin. He was talking to 3 other guys.

The first guy to the left of Changbin had a light blond hair color. He looked very nice. They guy to the right of Changbin had obnoxious red hair. The guy sitting next to that one had blue hair. All in all they all had obnoxious hair colors.

They where all laughing over somthing, and I didn't want to disturb them. I went to leave the locker room, but upon me trying to turn around I fell and landed on my wrist awkwardly. I heard the people stop talking stopped and then I could hear footsteps coming my way.

I turned around and saw the blue haired boy, he walked towards me with his hand out, "Are you ok?"

I didn't focus on the question though, I focused on how close he was getting to me. I started backing up and then I held my hands out infront of me. "S-stay away!"

He stopped in his tracks and was about to say another question when the other boys came around the corner. When Changbin came around he smiled at me, "Yeosang. I didn't think you whould be in this class. Are you ok?" Changbin came walking to me, but the blue haired male stopped him.

"Give him some space, he looks scared." The blue haired male then sat down infront of me. The rest of the group also did this. They all left me a lot of space though, and the small gesture made me feel respected.

"So your name is Yeosang?"


"Well I am Bangchan. That's Han jisung, and that's Hwang Hyunjin. We won't hurt you." Bangchan pointed to the blond guy, then to the red head. They all looked nice, but I still don't know if I can trust them.

I looked at the boys and then gave them a small wave. "You won't hurt me right?...I can trust you right?"

"Cross my heart. I wont hurt you none of us will." Bangchan smiles at me, and it makes me feel a bit safe. I can't just trust his word alone, but I honestly don't think he will hurt me.

I smile back a Bangchan, "Could you maybe get Wooyoung or San for me. If you don't mind I feel safer with them."

"Told you guys that they got a third b-"

"Changbin we don't even know if that is true." Jisung said shaking his head.

Hyunjin butted in then said, "And if it is then we should stay out of their business."

"What are you guys talking about?"

Bangchan just shakes his head then sighs while standing up, "Don't listen to them. Do you want us to walk you back out to Wooyoung and San."

I nodded then stand up. The other three stands up with me. Then Changbin comes over to me and swings his arm around my shoulder. I flinch then slowly move away from Changbin. "Please don't."

"Sorry, to early?" I nod my head then hold out my hand to Changbin. He gladly takes my hand. Bangchan and the other two lead the way out of the locker room.

Once we exit I don't see some of my friends, I only see Yunho, Jongho, and Mingi. I dicide to walk to Yunho. The second we arrive Yunho glares at Changbin then he pulls me away from him.

"Who are you? What do you want with him?" Yunho holds me close to him, for no reason at all.

"I'm Changbin. I am a friend of Wooyoungs, we where just about to go and find him. Do you by chance know wh-"

"I am just going to tell you this once ok so listen. I don't want you to touch Yeosang again. I don't want to see you with him again. Just stay away. You and the other 3 ok?" When Yunho says this he says it with a polite voice that has a hint of anger with it.

I would love to say I don't know why he acting like this, but he is just protective. It probley was a bad idea to hold Changbins hand.

"Sorry man, but he is his-"

"Shut up and tell me you understand ok."

"Could you stop interupting me! What is wrong with you! Are you his posesive boyfriend that won't let him do anything or what. Are you the reason why he was scared of us and asked us if he could trust us."

Yunho was all good until Changbin said that last two sentences. I could tell that it struck a chord with him. It was the wrong choice of words for Changbin to say, but I can't blame him he doesn't know what happened.

Yunho pushed me to the side then punched Changbin right in the face. Everyone froze for a second including Changbin. I have only seen Yunho fight one other person and it wasn't a fun scene I could only hope Changbin did nothing else and just walked away.

Changbin smirked then touched his face with his left hand, "God damn man! You really know how to throw a punch." He then lowered his left hand and punched Yunho with his other.

I have no idea how it escalated so quickly, but it needed to stop. Mingi jumped up to try to pull Yunho away and Bangchan also tryed to pull Changbin away but nothing was happening. Everyone in the classroom came to watch the fight and it pissed me off. They should just do there own things.

I stood and watched for a second before I dicided to speak up. There is one thing that I know will make Yunho stop, but I know it will hurt him at the same time.

"Yunho will you fucking stop! Your acting like Kai!"

Yunho stopped everything he was doing and let Changbin hit him one more time. He then looked at Changbin and bowed. Changbin looked confussed, but he bowed back. Almost like Yunho was in a trance he walked to me and looked me in the eyes. I could tell how much those words hurt him.

"Sorry Yeosang. It won't happen again. I won't act like...Kai ever again." He turned away from me then ran out of the studio.

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