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When Monday came around again, I had the strongest urge to skip. However Yunho said if I skipped and didn't come to school that he would tie me to a chair and force me to watch all of the Harry Potter movies twice. So now I am on my way to first period holding a well deserved coffee in my hand.

My first period, being a business class, was by far my least favorite. I originally took this class for my Dad since I was going to take over his. . .business. However I got myself out of that work when I met Yunho, so now I am taking it for no real reason.

In all honesty, I don’t remember anything I learn in this class but it is probably because I don’t do any of the homework. If it wasn't for my desk partner Jeongin then I would most likely be failing.

Jeongin is a year younger than me, yet he is ten times smarter than me. He always ends up helping me with everything. He is the only real reason I am passing the class, and also the only reason I even come to the class.

As I entered the classroom, I saw Jeongin already waiting for me. The second he saw me he smiled a bright smile and waved me over.

I rushed over to him and sat down. When I sat down he embraced me in a hug. "Mingi I feel like it has been forever!"

"It's only been 2 days. Anyway, what did you do this weekend?" I pulled away from Jeongin and started to get out all of my stuff since class was going to start soon.

"Well on Saturday I was at Minho's party since he is my friend. Then on Sunday I was very hungover and I sort of just rested all day regretting my decisions. What did you do?"

"Went to the party on Saturday. On Sunday I just stayed home and cuddled with my boyfriend."

Jeongin smiled at me sadly then turned to his notes, "It must be nice having a boyfriend." I don't know why the mention of my boyfriend made him sad all of the sudden. Whenever I mentioned Yunho in any way, Jeongin always got sad. I rested my hand on his back and started to move it up and down.

"Trust me when I say, being single is the best thing ever. Even though I have a boyfriend and love him, I always want to go back to the single days. Don't just jump into a relationship because when you are in one you will miss the freedom days."

Jeongin looked at me smiling again and nodded his head. "You're right. . .But can I tell you a little secret?"

"Of course."

"Well there's this one guy that I have in a few of my classes that I like." Jeongin looked at his hands smiling and then continued, "He is super nice, but also scary. I also have a small feeling that he might like me to! I don't know much about him, but his name is-"

"Alright class, get out your Business 101 books and read pages 231 through 255. Once you are done then work with your partner on the project is described in the book. I want that project done in 2 weeks. As for your essay you should have started, I want that done this Friday. Now get to work!" The teacher talked all happily, making me want to vomit. How can teachers be so happy when they are literally touring us?

I look over at Jeongin and see he is already reading the book. I really want to know about this guy that he likes. I want to see if he would be a good match for him before he confesses his feelings. However, that is for another time. As for now I better get to reading this dumb ass book.


By the time the bell rings Jeongin and I were just getting started on the project. We pack up our stuff talking about how we should divide the project. Right as we were about to leave the room the teacher stopped me.

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