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When I heard we were going to go to a party, I felt like it would be the perfect time to talk to Kai alone. Then when I saw how crowded it was inside I thought it would be the perfect time to slip away without the others noticing. Kai told me he would be in the kitchen area which is something I didn't tell the others. I didn't want them to know the real reason I invited Kai. If they actually knew they would try to talk me out of it, but I need to protect Jongho and this is the only way to do it.

"We should probably go to the back." Seonghwa said. I muttered out and ok and knew this was the best time to leave them. If I don't leave them now then there probably won't be another chance.

They started to walk away towards the back yard. I watched them for a second before I decided to head to the kitchen.

Everytime a person grabbed, or bumped into me I felt like screaming. Everything was way too much and I hated it. However, I pulled it together and kept heading to the kitchen with my head down.

When I made it there and I didn't see Kai I actually was sent into a panic. Did he not come? If he wasn't here then I walked all the way over here for nothing, and now I was separated from the others. I needed to either find them or someone else I trusted.

I kept on looking around, but didn't see him or anyone I knew. I only saw random people. To calm down my nerves I went over to a table and I grabbed a beer that was sitting in ice. I don't really drink because I get drunk really fast, but right now that is what I need.

Right when I was about to bring the drink to my lips, I felt arms wrap around my waist and then I felt a kiss on my neck. "Hey Yeosang~"

I froze when I heard Kai's voice, but even though I still managed to say a little, "h-hi. . ."

Kai let go of me after that and turned me around. Now his hands were around my waist and he was pulling me into his chest. "So what do you want to talk to me about?"

"L-let's um . . .Let's g-g-"

"Use your words and fucking speak in full sentences!" Kai snaps at me causing me to flinch. Has he been drinking? I can only hope not because when he drinks a whole new monster is awakened.

I look at him for a few seconds before taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Let's go find somewhere more private."

Kai smirks at me when I say this. He then grabs my wrist rather tightly and starts to walk in a random direction through the people.

I had no idea where we were going and thought alone scared me. No one will know where I was, so if anything bad happens no one will be able to find me. As this realization settled in I started to understand the gravity of what I was doing.

After a few more steps, Kai led me into a secluded bedroom on the second floor of the house. When we entered the room he locked the door behind us and walked over to the bed to sit down. I just awkwardly stood there until he patted the spot next to him. I automatically walked over to the spot and sat down.

"So what did you want to talk to me about? This time speak in full sentences. If I even hear you studder you will regret it."

I bite my lip and think of how I am going to word this. One thing I know about Kai is that he also does what he says he will do, so I didn't want to mess this up.

"I don't want you to hurt Jongho the way you hurt me. I want you to break up with him or something. . ."

"Why should I do that? Whats in it for me if I do?"

"I'll get back with you if you just stop hurting him. . . I just don't want him, San, and Wooyoung to be dragged into this. This is between you and me."

At that statement Kai smiled and moved closer to me. He then put a hand on my upper thigh making me flinch at the sudden contact. "You know I can't just break up with him though. You might go against your word and if you do then I will be lonely."

I look at Kai for a second and think of what I should say. "Well then you just date him for a bit longer but don't hurt him. . .While you are with him you can um. . .Text me if you want to um. . .Do something. . .I mean I can't get with you right away anyways, everyone would think it would be suspicious. . .So until we can actually get together then you can um use me. . ." I hated the way this sounded. I wanted to take this statement back the second it left my mouth, but it was already too late.

"Look at you being a smart boy." Kai smiles at me, "Alright  I'll do it. Jongho isn't as fun to mess around with anyways."

"You won't hurt them if I do this right?"

"Of course not. All I ever wanted was you."

I slightly smile at this. As long as he doesn't hurt Jongho, Wooyoung, and San I could care less what will happen to me.

"But if you break any of these promises, or if you break any of our past rules then I won't hesitate to do something to Jongho. Also if you tell anyone about this, even in the slightest I will severely hurt Jongho, San and Wooyoung and maybe I will kill one of them. Understand?"

My face drops when he says this. In the past I would always accidently break rules, I never meant to, but I always would. Now even if it is in an accident he is going to hurt them. I don't like the sound of this one bit.

"Yes I do."

"Good. Should I review some rules." At this I just nodded.

"Ok. 1 Don't tell anyone about what I do to you no matter what. 2 act normal around people especially Seonghwa and Hongjoong. 3 smile you pretty smile." He stops for a second and plants a kiss on my cheek, "4 if you eat anything and don't throw up then you will get hurt, we don't need you getting fatter than you already are. 5 Call me Master. 6 Do everything I ask of you, I don't care if you want to or not. 7 don't cry, you are not a fucking victim."

"And of course there are others I don't have to address, but there is a new one I want you to follow. I'm going to get you a shock collar. When I get it I don't want you to remove it and I don't want you tell anyone where you got it. I'm getting it so if you do anything I don't like then I can shock you. If we are out in public when I do this and you react to it then I will hurt Jongho. I'll let you get used to it at first though so don't worry. . .Anyways that should cover it all."

He wanted to get me a shock collar, like a dog. . .I look at him for a second before looking at my knees. I could feel the tears in my eyes. I didn't want to wear a shock collar like a dog. I didn't want him to be able to hurt me in public. I start to touch my neck thinking of what it will be like. "Ok so are we good then?"  I really just want to get away from him. I want to enjoy just a bit of freedom before everything starts happening.

"You think we are done?" Kai scoffs and he turns my head to look up at him. "I haven't even played with you a little. Why do you think I got us a bedroom, on the second floor, away from the party?"

My blood runs cold when he says this. I should have known not to come up here, why am I so stupid. I wasn't prepared for him to do anything to me right now. "B-but-"

"Don't fucking studder. . .Now I'm going to have a little fun with you, but don't be to loud ok."

"Ok. . ."

"Ok what?"

"Ok master."

Kai smiles at me before connecting our lips. I  try not to think about what is happening as he touches me. Instead I think about Jongho, Wooyoung, and San. I think about how what I am doing is going to help them. This thought makes me smile a sad smile.

No one else needs to suffer because of Kai. I have always been protected but now it is my turn to protect someone else. I'll do this until College is over and Jongho can be successful. I will stop after I know everyone will be safe, but until then I have to make sure no one finds out. I have to make sure they are all happy. Even if it costs my own happiness.

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