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It has been over halfway through the first class and Yeosang still isn't back. It is really hard to focus on our stupid history when we have no idea where he went to.

"San should we go and look for him. He has been gone for a long time."

San pulls out his phone and then starts typing somthing. I look over his shoulder and see he is texting Yunho. He is asking for Yeosangs phone number. Which in my opinion is odd for him to, considering the fact that we are supposed to be watching him.

However, within seconds of Sans text being sent. Yunho sends us Yeosangs number, no questions, no nothing.

"That was fast."

"Well you know Yunho responds fast. It doesn't matter where he is. He could be dieing and he whould still respond before taking his last breath."

We both chuckle then we return back to text Yeosang. San makes a group chat with all of us then he asks.

Mt. Shiber- Yeosang where are you, class is about to end.

Sexyking- we really miss you Sangie❤️

Statue- I just went home for a bit. I will be there for lunch. Seonghwa knows where I am so don't worry.

I read this text over and over because I don't feel like he is home. I have a strong feeling he is lying, but I don't know how to confront it.

If we ask again we will sound pushy. If we text Seonghwa to see if this is true, and it turns out to be fake he might kill us. However, if he doesn't show up with us to lunch and Seonghwa also doesn't know where he is, we will be dead.

I don't even know why I care so much. He is a adult who can take care of himself...But at the same time if he can take care of himself. Then why whould we have to.


Yunho told us to meet them in the front of the school, so I head there right after I pick up San from his class.

I greet him with a kiss on the cheek then I lace our fingers together and we walk to the front.

"Do you think Seonghwa will kill us if we come without Sangie?"

"Maybe. Honestly I don't know. He seems smarter than to kill us on the school grounds. He will probley wait until we are alone with him and then he will do the job." San says this in a serious voice, which makes me really question if I want to even go to lunch.

However, by the time I am about to turn around and go the opposite way from my death Hongjoong spots us and waves us over.

I look up at San and he kisses my forehead. "I was just kidding, Wooyoung. Lighten up everything is ok." He gives me one of his reassuring smiles and then we keep on walking.

When we get there we see no Yeosang, only Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho and Jongho. Jongho seems to be in a really deep conversation with Seonghwa. They don't even notice when we approach them.

That is until Hongjoong asks, "Where is Yeosang?" With in almost 2 seconds of him saying that Seonghwa is glaring at us. He gets up then walks to us madly.

"Did you guys lose him?"

I look at San for a second with worried eyes and then I speak up and say, " He said he went home and that you knew he was there..."

Seonghwa quickly pulled out his phone then called Yeosang. After it rang 3 times Seonghwa just hung up the phone then turned away from us and started walking in the direction the house.

We all started to fallow the worryed Seonghwa. San and I were lagging behind by a bit, so we could talk without them over hearing.

"I should have followed him, now who knows where he is." San told me with his head hanging.

"No, San it's ok. He is probley at the house and just didn't pick up." I tryed to reassure San, but he was still tense.


Once we arrived at the house, we saw Yeosang sitting against the door. His arms were wrapped around his knees and he was smiling at us. It wasn't a forced smile, but a actual smile.

"Finally you guys arrived! I have been waiting for ever!"

Yeosang then walked over to us and hugged everyone one by one. When he hugged San and I he said, " Sorry I left like that."

I didn't say anything, instead I ruffled his hair which earned me a smile.

Seonghwa grabbed Yeosangs hand and lead him inside. We all followed and once we were inside Yeosang sat down on the couch with a full smile.

Even though his smile made me happy, I found it odd. Sure I didn't know him for long, but this smile wasn't normal. Which must have been what San was thinking because his face was also showing signs of questioning.

Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and Yunho however didn't act like anything was off and they knew him best. They soon left the living room and went into the kitchen to cook. Leaving Jongho, San, and I with Yeosang.

Once they left Yeosang came over to us and asked, "Do you guys want to play a game?"

"Like what?" We all ask.

"Suck and blow, cards against humanity, pocky game, 2 truths and a lie. Whatever you guys want."

"What is suck and blow? It sounds like a really dirty game." Jongho says confussed.

"I can't believe you don't know what suck and blow is. It is a really easy interesting game. You press a card between to people's lips to pass it. You can't bite the card, you can only suck on it. Then to pass it you blow a little bit. If you drop the card then the 2 have to kiss. Do you want to play that?"

"Sure I guess, only if you guys want to though."

We all nodded our heads, so Yeosang gets up to grab cards. Once Yeosang is gone I turn to San and Jongho and say, "Is he ok? Last time we came here he freaked out just see us. Now he want to play a kissing game."

"Now that you point it out it is kind of weird." Jongho states.

San looks down to see if Yeosang is coming back before saying, "I am sort of concerned I guess. I don't know why, but I just am."

"Well it makes me feel better knowing I am not overreacting if you guys can see it also. Maybe we should ask Seong-"

"Ask me what? Where is Yeosang." The trio that was in the kitchen comes out all holding bowls. They hand them to us and then take a seat next to everyone.

"Yeosang is getting cards, so we can play suck and blow. He will be right back so I will ask you later."

Seonghwa nodds his head, and right when he was going to say somthing else Yeosang walks into the room and sits between San and I.

His smile falters for a second and then he states, "I am not hungry right now I will eat later. . .We where just about to play Suck and Blow if you guys want to join.

"Sure after we all finish eating we can play."

Yeosang smiled again then layed his head on Sans shoulder. San looked over at me questionly and I just shrugged. He was acting very weird.

I looked Yeosang up and down and that is when I saw his sleeve was lifted up a bit, and I saw a small cut peaking out from his sleeve. It looked recent and that made me want to look under his sleeve more, but I couldn't do that. Instead I stayed quiet while we all ate.

I will ask him about it later.

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