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The remainder of the week went by somewhat smoothly. We would go to school with Yeosang, go over to our place and hang out, then study with both Kai and Jongho around.

However one thing was off, Yeosang. He kept on trying to talk to Kai. Also when we were studying he kept on moving closer to Kai, even though he was clearly uncomfortable with it. Wooyoung and I didn't understand it at all.

When we asked Hongjoong about it he just said, "Maybe he is trying to get over his fear of Kai or something?" He sounded more like he was trying to convince himself.

Seonghwa didn't comment on our question. He looked at us worriedly whenever we would bring it up. Seeing him worry made me feel even more odd about everything that was happening. However I just ignored it, but then Saturday came.

◇Saturday 3:27pm◆

I was laying on the couch while Wooyoung was laying halfway on top of me, halfway on the couch. I was reading a book called The Perks to Being a Wallflower while Wooyoung was running his hands through my hair and reading the book along with me.

When I read Wooyoung always gets happy, reading is our chill cuddling down time. He loved laying with me in peace and quiet and running his hands through my hair. He never really enjoyed reading books, but when I told him about this book he said and I quote. "So there is a gay person in this book! I neeeeeed to read it." It was a funny reaction considering the majority of books I read are gay, but whatever.

We were almost done with Chapter 3 when out if no were Yunho and Mingi burst through the front door yelling,


I threw my book at the loud sound. Wooyoung, also getting scared, jumped up and moved away from me, catching his breath. I was extremely annoyed to see the 2 tall bean heads at this moment since Wooyoung and I were enjoying the peace and quiet. Not trying to show my anger I slowly got off of the couch and walked over to Mingi. I stopped in front of him and took a deep breath before I wrapped my hands around his neck and shook it back and forth yelling.


After I finished yelling Wooyoung came and pulled me away from Mingi, who was smiling.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Maybe because your reaction was priceless plus-" Mingi put his hand on my head then leaned and whispered in my ear, "I have a choking kink princess." Mingi pulled away and winked at me.

My face dropped after what he said. I could feel myself turning pink. I looked away from Mingi and looked at the ground, "S-so about that party. . ."

Both Mingi and Yunho started laughing at how quickly I changed the subject, making me feel very embarrassed. When they were done laughing, Yunho started to talk about the party.

"Yeah, so Minho is throwing a party. He asked us if we wanted to come, so of course I said yes. Since we haven't really been out since the start of the school year I thought our whole group could go. So are you in?"

I looked at Wooyoung and he nodded his head, "Sure, have you talked to the others?"

"No. I'll call them right now."

Yunho pulled out his phone and started calling one of them. It rang a few times before they picked it up. Yunho then put the phone on speaker.

"Hey, do you guys want to go out to a party?"

"I don't know, I don't think Yeosang could handle that." I heard Seonghwa say.

"Just ask him, it might be good for him to get out."

"Hey Yeosang, come here, Yunho wants to talk to you."

There was some rustling on the other side before we heard Yeosangs voice, "Hello?"

"Yeo do you want to come to a party with us?"

He didn't answer for a second, and it almost sounded as is he hung up that was until he said something that shocked everyone, "Sure, but could Kai also come?"

We were all taken aback and just looked at each other for a second. Then Yunho said it was ok. Once he said that I could almost hear Yeosang smile, "Cool! Yeah we will be there. Text us when and where."

Yeosang then hung up. Once he hung up I felt uneasy. I didn't like how happy he was after Yunho said Kai could come. At the moment I got a really bad feeling in my gut. I didn't like this idea of having Kai come one bit.

The rest of the day until we had to leave Yunho and Mingi kept on talking about how cool Minho's parties were. Wooyoung and I just sat with each other barely listening, we couldn't care less, but it was something to do.

Right as we were about to leave, Jongho came back home. He looked like he was in pain, but when I tried to talk to him he just ignored me and went straight to his room. The only thing he said to me was that he wanted to be left alone.

Even though I didn't want to leave him alone I decided to respect his space. We then drove over to the other's house and they quickly got into the car. It was somewhat packed, but luckily Minhos house isn't too far away.

"Kai said he will meet us there." Yeosang sounded nervous and happy at the same time when he said this. I looked over at Wooyoung wondering if he knew why Yeosang would want to meet Kai, but he just shrugged. I hated that he was so happy to see Kai, but there is nothing I could do about it. I just hope nothing bad will happen. However even though I hope nothing bad will happen, I still can't shake this feeling I have.


The second we enter the house we are crowded by a bunch of people. Minho's house isn't small in the slightest, but all of these people make it feel small. Everyone is pushing up against everyone else. The only place that looks like it has more room is in the backyard.

Seonghwa sighs frustratingly before stating, "We should probably go to the back."

We all agree and start walking to the back. It is a really hard struggle but we eventually make it.

"God that sucked." Wooyoung almost collapses to the ground when we make it out, but I catch him before he can.

We all find a place to sit down and once we are sitting we try to catch our breath. "Please don't tell me the drinks are inside because after that I really need a drink." Yunho complains. We all laugh at his complaint, well almost us all.

I look around at everyone and notice one person missing from our group. "Guys. . .Where is Yeosang?"

Seonghwa stands up and looks around at us concerned, "Fuck. Don't tell me we left him in there."

Wooyoung frantically grabs his phone, "I'm calling him."

We all wait for Yeosang to answer the phone, but it is just met with silence. Wooyoung keeps on calling him but nothing. "He must have dropped his phone or something."

"Well he knew we were coming out here, so let's wait like 10 minutes out here in case he makes his way out. If he doesn't come out in that time then 3 of us should go look for him." Mingi suggested. Which wasn't that bad of a plan.

"Ok." Even though it does sound like a good plan I can't ignore the feeling like something bad might happen.


Looking back I should have listened to that feeling. If I did then maybe I would still be able to hold Yeosang and maybe he would still be able to talk to us.

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