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I took at deep breath and then thought of how to approach this. I have never told anyone of what happened only Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Yeosang, and I know what happened. I trusted Mingi though, so I can tell him as long as I don't go to much into detail.

"Ok so Kai was my best friend, I thought of him as my brother. He was my Childhood friend since I could ever remember. In middle school I met Seonghwa and Yeosang then later Hongjoong. Yeosang when I met him was the life of the party, you couldn't even imagine what he was like." I laughed thinking of the old times.

"We would watch movies a lot mostly on Wednesdays. Our favorite movie was Mean Girls, you had to wear pink on Wednesdays. If you didn't well Yeosang wouldn't be happy. . .One Wednesday I acually made plans with Kai, but it was a mean girls night. I ended up bringing him with to the movie night. Yeosang thought he was hot because of his Tattoos. Kai hated physical touch, but when Yeosang hugged him I could tell he liked it, so of course I shipped them."

"That night Yeosang didn't leave Kai's side. It was cute to say the least. I made I my duty to set them up. Around 2 weeks after they met they were together. I was proud of myself to set my best friends up together."

I grabbed my water and then drank some before continuing the story, "Everything was fine at first. They where really cute together and they both looked happy, but you never know what goes on behind closed doors. . . After a while Yeosang just stopped eating. He always said he just wasn't hungry. We all started to worry, Kai acted like he was worryed. We didn't know at he time, but he was the reason Yeosang stopped eating. According to him Yeosang was fat, but he never said anything about Yeosangs weight infront of us."

"It didn't take long for Yeosang to start to look unhealthy skinny. Whenever we would mention it to him he would get mad and go to Kai. He soon stopped talking to us all together. He was only ever around Kai. Seonghwa and Hongjoong were very worried about him, they thought that Kai was doing somthing. . .I however could only think of Kai as a nice person that could never hurt someone. . ."

". . .A little over halfway though the year Yeosang stopped coming to school. Whenever we would text him to ask if he was ok he would only give us simple answers like, 'I'm fine', 'Don't worry', and 'Kai is taking care of me.'. . .Soon he just stopped responding. We had to ask Kai if he was ok. He always said he was fine."

"I thought nothing of it, but as the year came to an end and yeosang never returned  and I started to worry. We couldn't reach him at all, Kai even stopped talking to us. Every time we stopped by Kai's house, which is were Yeosang moved into, Kai would tell us he was asleep or that he didn't want to talk. So we ended up leaving it alone. Or I should say I left it alone. Seonghwa and Hoongjoong never stopped worrying, they wanted to call the police. I talked them out of it so many times I told them that Kai was a good person who would never hurt anyone."

"A whole year went by without us talking to or seeing Yeosang. The next year he still didn't come back to school. . .Seonghwa was getting really sick of this, so one Saterday he called Kai. He asked if he could pick up Yeosang to go out to eat, he said it was a special occasion. . .Kai said that Yeosang was sick, so he couldn't come. Seonghwa by now was sick of this excuse, so we went to Kais house. Kai was at work, so we had enough time to go and see Yeosang."

". . .I remember trying to talk Seonghwa out of it. I said we shouldn't disrupt him if he was sick. Deep down though I knew that Yeosang wasn't sick. . . Seonghwa ended up convincing me to go see Yeosang with him and Hongjoong. When we knocked on the door the first few times no one answered, so we looked around for a key. It was under the placemat of all things, Kai was so stupid."

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