Her admission hung in the air like a lead weight, dragging down the atmosphere with its gravity. I clenched my fists, feeling my chest constrict with the weight of her words, but I bit back the urge to lash out, allowing her to continue.

"I'm sorry that I got drunk last night," she uttered, her voice heavy with remorse.

"It's not just about last night, Freen," I retorted, my tone laced with a simmering frustration that threatened to boil over. "It's about every damn thing."

"For days now, Freen, you've been avoiding me," I accused, the accusation slicing through the air like a razor-sharp blade. "Burying yourself in work, and now this! Drowning your sorrows in alcohol? And with that girl, Patricia, of all people!"

Freen's eyes flashed with a mix of defiance and guilt, her jaw clenched as she braced herself for the storm of emotions about to crash down upon her. "And what about you, Becky?" she shot back, bitterness dripping from each syllable. "You've been distant too, lost in your own damn pain."

"I had to drink away my pain, Beck," Freen exploded, her words punctuated by a fierce intensity. "And Patricia is a friend, I confided in her."

The air crackled with an electric tension, our emotions colliding in a fiery clash of wills.

The accusations hung between us like a barrier of thorns, tearing at the fragile fabric of our relationship. Each word spoken was a dagger aimed at the heart, reopening wounds that had barely begun to heal.

Tears stung my eyes as her confession echoed in the deafening silence. Anger, betrayal, and a profound sense of loss churned within me, fueling the flames of our escalating conflict.

"I'm trying to understand, Freen," I choked out, my voice trembling with unshed tears. "But every damn time I reach out, you push me away or leave me hanging. And I'm hurting too. Remember, I was the one supposed to bear our child."

"And really, Freen? You know damn well she's more than just a friend," I spat, my words dripping with venomous accusation. "You chose to confide in her, pouring out your heart, while I, your wife, sat at home, waiting for you."

"So now my pain doesn't mean shit because I couldn't bear the child?" Freen erupted, her frustration boiling over into a fiery rage.

"That's not what I'm saying, Freen!" I roared, the pent-up fury bursting forth like a raging inferno.

"Then what the hell are you saying, Rebecca?" Freen demanded, her voice a desperate plea for clarity amidst the chaos of our crumbling relationship.

The intensity of our exchange hung in the air like a storm on the verge of breaking. My chest tightened as I struggled to find the words to convey the depth of my anguish and frustration.

"What I'm saying," I began, my voice trembling with emotion, "is that we're supposed to be in this together, Freen. But we've been drifting apart. And now you chose to cheat on me!" The accusation tore from my throat, raw and unfiltered.

"What the hell!" Freen's voice rose to match my own, her eyes flashing with a mix of shock and indignation.

Before either of us could continue, a series of urgent knocks echoed from the bedroom door, jolting us both out of our heated confrontation.

"Freen... Becky!" Anna's voice pierced through the tension. "It's Zea," she announced, her tone laced with worry.

At the mention of our daughter's name, a wave of shared concern washed over us, momentarily eclipsing the tumult of our own emotions.

We exchanged a meaningful glance, the unspoken agreement passing between us like a silent vow. For Zea's sake, we had to set aside our grievances and come together as a united front.

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