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I sat beside Cameron while Kane and Maya sat behind me, Elijah and Emily in front of me. It was an odd seating plan. I would rather sit beside Elijah, but at least the six of us are all together.

Mrs. Ruby was our biology teacher, and she was a really good teacher. She was excellent at explaining things, and makes sure everyone is participating in class. She's kind to everyone and barely gets mad. In fact, I've never seen her mad. She's a sweet lady. Everyday, she would come in school with her matte black hair tied in a bun, her silver glasses put over her hazel eyes, and her brown cardigan she would never take off.

I let out a sigh as I began to draw a quick sketch of the cells Mrs. Ruby just taught us about. Neuron cells.


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


"Great work Archer." Mrs. Ruby patted my back, giving me a thumbs up. She ticked my book in a red pen, and stamped it in purple.

"Thanks Mrs. Ruby. I appreciate it." I smile lovingly at her.

"Teacher's pet." Cameron whispered to me after Mrs. Ruby left. I rolled my eyes, sticking out my tongue.

"Oh please, your just jealous because she didn't stamp your work." I grinned.

"Yeah but she gave me a sticker, unlike you." He showed my his shirt that had a round, yellow smiley face sticker stuck on it.

"Well, she said I did 'great work', unlike you." I squinted my eyes.

"She said mine was 'the best'." He smirked. I pouted, looking away.

"Whatever." Elijah who heard our entire conversation just laughed.


The six of us all sat down around a circular table in the cafeteria. It was nice and all, other than the fact that people are spreading rumors about us. That 'bullies' cant be friends with 'nerds'. Some are even saying Me and Elijah are dating. Why would you make such an assumption!?

I took a big bite of the chicken wrap dad made for me this morning, and fuck, it tasted it good. Elijah was eating mini pizza's while everyone else had a granola bar, or muffins. Usually I would bring some snacks from home, but I left them in my bedroom, so everyone is left to more or less starve.

"Give me a bite." Elijah leaned down to take a bite, when I pulled my wrap away.

"Only if I can try the pizza." He pouted, handing me the mini pizza. I hummed in glee, taking a huge bite. I then groaned when Elijah took the most enormous bite of my wrap I've ever seen. How can any one be capable of such a monstrosity?

Emily chuckled as she took the last bite of the blueberry muffin she was eating. I rolled my eyes, and continued to eat my food.

"Aw, c'mon, don't be sad." Elijah teased. I just pouted, causing Kane to burst out into laughter, Cameron doing the same too.

"Whatever." I sighed. "At least Maya's not laughing." As soon as I said that, Maya spat out her juice all over the floor, laughing until she fell. "Fuck me."

"Gladly." Elijah smirked.

"I- You- That's not what I meant." I stuttered, I could feel myself turning a bright crimson red.

"Cutie." He mumbled, kissing my cheek.


"Haha! That makes no sense." Kane spoke as he built a snowman, piling the snow on top of another.

"That's exactly what I said." Maya grinned, helping him in the snowman building.

The two of them continued to talk while me and Emily walked together. Elijah was at the Boba store, getting all of us Boba.

"How old were you then?" She asked.

"I was three when I had my first pet. A cat." I answered, kicking the snow as I walked.

"What was its name?" She bent down to make a snowball.

"Charlie." I answered, making a snowball for myself.

"The fuck? That's an unusual name for a cat." She threw the ball at me, running away.

"Hey!" I chased after her, trying to get the best aim of her.

That's when Elijah came, and grabbed Emily's hand, stopping her from running. I took that as my chance to hit her with the ball, and so I did.

"Haha!" I ran to the nearest bench, quickly taking a seat to catch my breath.

"You seem tired." Cameron sat beside me.

"I ran away from Emily, we had a short snowball fight." I spoke, breathing from my nose.

"Damn." He chuckled, handing me a water bottle. "I'm heading home, alright? See ya tomorrow."

"See ya." I waved at him.

Once he left, Elijah came up to me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, burying my face in his chest. "What's wrong?" I asked, my voice muffle but still understandable.

"Nothing, just tired." He answered, kissing my head.

"Lets go home." I followed Elijah to his house, after texting my father where I would be. Elijah seemed to be upset over something though, but I'm not sure what exactly.


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