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I walked to the Kindergarten, 'Stars', to pick up my younger brother, Allister. He was only two years old and was getting along well with his babysitter and friends he met at the Kindergarten. Having no mother or father was difficult for the two of us. My father died from a heart attack while my mother was pregnant with Allister. And soon, my mother also died after giving birth to my younger brother. It was a sad and emotional time for me, I was only 16. I had to take care of Allister while I still had to go college. But, I'm grateful my grandfather left an inheritance for me.

I opened the door to the Kindergarten, and to my surprise Allister was sitting in the naughty corner, crying. I walked over to him. "Allister, baby boy, what's wrong?" I picked him up.

He cried in my shoulder, letting his tears wet my shirt. He pointed at the teacher nearby, who was staring daggers at me. "What did she do?" I caressed Allister's cheek.

"Sh-she y-yell m-me. B-be m-mean m-me." I furrowed my eyebrows and kissed his cheek.

"Do you know why?"

"N-no, she n-no l-like m-me" I sighed and walked over to the blonde teacher.

"Who do you think you are to yell at my brother?" I glared at her, wanting an answer.

She scoffed. "Ha! I'm a teacher, it's our job to discipline kids."

"You can discipline kids but don't even think about looking at my brother let alone discipline him. He's had a hard life and he doesn't need a bitch like you to make it worse! Now, if you'll excuse me." I exit the building and carry Allister all the way home.


Allister ended up crying himself to sleep, I laid him in my bed, and walked to the kitchen. Sighing, I turned the TV on, flipping through channels, when I stopped on  the show, 'Miraculous', I chuckled. I used to watch this 7 years ago, when I was 12.

I stopped what I was doing when I head my doorbell go off, I headed to the door and opened it. "How's my boy?" My auntie hugged me and I hugged her back. She was single, no lover, no kids. Just, by herself. Her only sister, my mother, died. She only had me and Allister now.

"I'm great Aunt Judie." I smiled. She walked inside and made herself comfortable on the couch, watching miraculous on the TV.

"Where's Allister?" She asked, looking around the living room.

"He's asleep, well, cried himself to sleep " I sighed. "His bitch of a teacher decided to choose who she likes and who she doesn't. She fucking hates Allister, and him being the only one. She yelled at him and made him cry his eyes out." I snapped.

"What the fuck? Ima sue that bitch, what's her name?" Aunt Judie was a lawyer, she provided money for me and herself. She got her phone out, about to call someone.

"I don't know her name and neither do I care."

"Well fuck it, I'll meet her face to face." I chuckled at her reply.

We both went silent when Allister walked down the stairs rubbing his red, puffy eyes.

"My baby!" Aunt Judie gasped and ran to hug him.

"I'm gonna go up and do my homework." I walk up to my bedroom. I lay on my bed thinking about the kid who bumped into me. He was cute, he also seemed a bit stubborn. How his friends told him not to go near me but he still did. How his curly hair would bounce when he walked or ran. How he would lick his pink lips. He was gorgeous. And the fact that him and his friends ran away from me.

So cute. I've never felt this way towards a person in a long time.

Graduates In Love - bxbTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon