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I woke up to the cries of a baby, and I'm assuming that child was Allister. I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes, to find Elijah is gone. I got up and walked to Allister's room, I basically walked and walked until I could find where the cries were coming from. I entered his room, to see him hugging Elijah tightly, weeping in his arms.

"What happened?" I scratched my head.

"The usual. Allister tried getting out his bed and ended up falling. Anyway, good morning, baby." He kissed my cheek, gently putting Allister in my arms.

I picked up Allister, and kissed Elijah's cheek. "Morning."

"What do you want for breakfast?" He held my hand, walking down the stairs with me to the kitchen.

"Anything is fine, I'm not a picky eater." I answered, taking a seat on the kitchen stool. Allister was still in my arms, and was pulling my curls.

"Allister, don't." Elijah noticed, and tried pulling his hand away.

"It hurts more when you try to make him stop, cuz he pulls it harder." I chuckled.

"Sorry." He kissed my head, before going back to making whatever he was making.

Soon, Judie came down stairs and sat beside me, pulling jokes and playing with Allister. It was nice having company with her, she was a great person, and I kind of took her as a mother figure. 

"Breakfast is now served." Elijah placed down a plate with bacon, and another with several pancakes stacked on top of one another. He sat opposite me, and we all began to dig in. 

A few seconds had passed, and I was already sick and tired of this awkward silence. So, to break this horrible silence, I decided to say something. "So, how old is Allister?" 

"Two, turning three next month." Elijah replied, keeping his eyes on his food.

Judie slammed her hands on the table, staring at me and Elijah. "So, you both friends, or...?" 

I glanced at Elijah, and began to fidget with my fork. I looked down at my food, leaving Elijah to do all the answering.

He took a deep breath, clearing his throat. "Were um...." He mumbled, before turning his attention to Allister. "Do you like the pancakes?" Allister nodded.

"Don't avoid the question."

"Were dating." I spat out.

"I knew it!" She yelled, a bright smile on her face, her bright cheeks taking control. "Aw, congratulations."

I smiled back, taking another bite of the bacon. Elijah let out a small sigh of relief, that I assume he has been holding for a quite a while now. He smiled a little, before sliding it away. Allister on the other hand, was laughing. Laughing so much, he was close to falling out of his chair. 

"Thanks for the breakfast, but I have to head home now." I stood up from my seat, and walked to the door, when Elijah pulled me to him, connecting his lips with mine. He kissed me deeply, with love, and passion. I kissed him back, with deep affection.

"Oh, stop being so cheesy. Allister's watching." At the hearing of Allister's name, we pulled away from each other, both of our cheeks an intense pink color. 

"I love you. Remember that, okay baby?" He murmured, kissing my cheek.

"I'll remember that, I love you too." I reply. 

And with that, I left his home, walking home, a big, fat smile on my face. I almost cringed at the fact I'm dating someone, and that he makes me blush so much. If my past self found out I'm dating Elijah Carter, he would probably smack me and say, 'Come back to reality.' 

I shook my head, chuckling a little. 

I love him.

I really do.

I soon arrived home, and walked in to my dad cooking home made pasta.

"Its 1:30, where were you?" My dad asked, his eyes on the pasta.

"My boyfr- I mean, my friends house." I replied.


That was close.

"So, uh, how-"

"I have something to say to you, son." My father stopped what he was doing, and walked to the living room, sitting on the couch. He gestured me to sit beside him, and so I did.

"What is it?"

"Are you dating someone?" My eyes widened.

"Huh? What makes you say that?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Well, I now you like men, but, I mean, isn't it a bit suspicious how your always hanging out with guys, at least one of them should be your lover. Who were they again? Cameron, Kane...and Eddie?"


"Yeah, that kid. So, you dating someone?" I nod my head. "Who?" 


"No way! Actually!? Nah, your joking." My dad shot up.

"I'm not joking, I'm dating him."

"How long?" He grinned, ear to ear.

"One day..." 

He fell into laughter, cackling until his jaw broke. "Is he good?"

"He's perfect."  

And I love him.

I want him.

I need him.

He's mine.

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