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I hung up on Archer and rushed to Allister's room, finding him sitting next to the wardrobe. As I approached closer, I gasped when I saw his hand trapped between the draws. I quickly pulled his hand out carefully. 

"Allister, how did this happen?" I asked, picking him up and running down the stairs to the kitchen. I opened the freezer, taking out ice.

"I d-don't know." He replied as tears continued to roll down his cheeks. I rubbed his hand with the ice cube, trying to reduce the swelling and redness of the hand. 

When his hand had turned back to its normal color, I quickly called back Archer. I felt bad hanging up on him, when I was the one to call him, I didn't even say a proper goodbye.

As I pulled out my phone, I quickly called Archer's number. I patiently waited for him to pick up, but he didn't.

After two more calls, he finally picked up.

"What?" He spoke rather harshly.

"Oh, I just wanted to check up on you. Where are you?" I replied.

"I'm busy." He responded.

"With what?" I ask, curiosity taking the better of me.

"Personal things."

And curiosity killed the cat.

"Oh, uh, okay. Wanna come over later?" I smile to myself, thinking of all the things we could do. A movie night, cook together, shopping, and maybe even have time together.

"No, I'm busy." He repeated.

"Oh, um, yeah, okay. I love you, bye."

"Okay." With that, he hung up.

He didn't even say he loves me, did I make him that sad?


I pulled the tray out of the oven. The smell of melted cheese, tomato-y and slightly doughy pizza filled the air. I hurriedly placed it down onto the kitchen counter top, near the window to wait for it to cool down. Allister was busy playing with blocks, while Kane and Emily were watching some random short movie. Aunt Judie was supposed to come back from work and hour ago, but she didn't. I'm assuming she went to her friends house, she goes there every Monday night.

"Is the pizza ready?" Kane stood up, approaching me, or, the pizza instead. 

"No, its still hot." I smacked Kane's hand away from the tray.

"Tch, fine. Once it cooled down, give me the biggest slice, okay?" He rubbed his hand, shoving them back into his pockets not so later.

"Whatever." I mumbled, pushing him out of the kitchen. He sat down on the couch, beside Emily, and pulled Allister close to him.

"I'll be back." I spoke before rushing to my room. It had been four house from when I last called Archer, I was beginning to get worried to be honest.

I called his number, hoping for him to pick up on the first call.


A sudden wave of relief washed over me at the hearing of Archer's voice.

"" I answered. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." He answered. "And, um, I'm sorry about the way I talked to you earlier. It was petty of me. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." His voice cracked as he spoke, as if he was about to cry.

"I forgive you baby, I love you. Don't worry." I answered. My heart was thumping, beating so fast. I could feel my face burning up, my head was full with all sort of thoughts. I felt so much, just couldn't express it in words. I wanted to touch Archer, kiss him, show him how much I love him. But I couldn't, he was too far from my reach.

"I have to go help my dad in the kitchen now. I love you so, so, so, sooo much Elijah." He spoke through the phone.

"I love you too baby, goodnight." And with that, we both hung up.


I laid in bed, headphones on, the lights off with the windows wide open. The cold breeze entering my bedroom, causing me to tremble in the dark. All that could be heard was, 'Set fire to the rain' by Adele, from my headphones, to my ears. 

It hasn't been that long from when everyone left, its just been about thirty minutes. Currently, its 10:30 on the dot, and I'm so fucking tired.

I twisted and turned in bed, my window left wide open. My blanket covered random parts of my body, causing it to give me warmth, while the other parts were left cold and uncared. The music blasted into my ears as I continued to lay in bed. Listening to songs in the hours of the darkness was peaceful, calm, and some how even refreshing. It gave a sense of relaxation too, and that's exactly why I enjoyed it. It brought me back to life when I felt dead. It makes me feel like adrenaline is rushing through my veins.

As thoughts took over me, I slowly felt me self drift off into a deep slumber. A slumber in which I hope to dream. Dream about Archer Anderson, my one and only love.

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