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I walked through the college gate with Maya and Cameron by my side, we headed down the hall to our lockers. "So, your gonna go see Elijah today?" Cameron questioned me, pulling out his books from his locker, and slamming it shut. Maya did the same, after taking out her mirror and eye liner. 

I sighed. "Well, yea, obviously. I wanna know why that good for nothing, hot as fuck, asshole wants to meet up with me." I pulled out a pen from my pocket, and spun it through my fingers. Cameron looked at the the way the pen spun around, as my fingers twirled.

"You got to teach me how to do that pen spin." Cameron mumbled, and Maya agreed. 

"So, you find him hot?" Maya asked, raising her eyebrow, a smirk appearing on her face. I rolled my eyes and walked past the two of them, heading to English Class. Maya ran up to me. "Do you?" I hesitated, but nodded in reply. "What class you got first?" 

"English." I muttered.

"Damn, I got History." Maya mumbled.

"I got History too." Cameron groaned. 

I laughed, sticking my tongue out. "Good luck with that." English was annoying, the fact that you have to write 24/7 and use your imagination and stuff, but it wasn't as bad as having a History lesson as the first thing to learn when you come to school. I departed ways with my friends, and walked straight towards English Class, Mrs. Layla. I sat at the back of the class, in my usual seat.

Half way through the lesson, the class was disrupted by the entry of another student.

Elijah fucking Carter

"Why are you late Mr. Carter?" Mrs. Layla glared at him.

"Too much traffic on the way." He mumbled before walking toward me.

Huh? Why is he walking to me for?

He sat beside me and I mentally groaned. "Move. Don't sit here." I whispered to him. He rolled his eyes, before smirking.

"What will you do about it? Besides, its just a seat, and there are no other spare seats." Good point, I'll give him that. But that doesn't mean I want him to sit next to me. 

I leaned forwards to the girl who sat in front of me, tapping her shoulder. "Do you mind swapping seats with me?" She looked to see who I was sitting next to, before aggressively shaking her head.

I moved away from her and sat back down on my seat, glaring at Elijah. "Great, cuz your here, no one wants to swap places with me. Asshole." I groan and continue taking notes.

"What's your name by the way? I'm-"

"Yeah, Elijah fucking Carter, I know, we all know. I'm Archer Anderson, also, just because I'm telling you who I am doesn't mean I like you." I snap. He chuckled in response.

"Your really cute when you act like this."

"I'm not cute!"

"Even cuter when you deny it."

"You sly bastard." I muttered underneath my breath.

"You know, you run your mouth like you've got 9 lives." He whispered in my ear. I could feel his hot breath, giving me a tingly sensation. My cheeks turned a bright crimson red, and he pulls away. "How cute."


He grinned and looked back at his notes before closing his book, packing his back and left. I didn't even notice class ended until Mrs. Layla told me to 'Get the hell out!' I walked down to my locker, and noticed Maya and Cameron, talking with Elijah. I walk over to them.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh, your friends were asking me where you were." Elijah replied.

I turned to him. "I wasn't asking you, block head." He shrugged it off and walked away.

"I'm surprised your not dead yet by the way you talk to him." Cameron grinned, I rolled my eyes.

"I got a feeling he's weak when it comes to me. I got a plan, alright? So, listen to this. Basically, the three of us will try and piss him off, along with his friends, okay? We'll see if he tries beating us up or anything." I explained.

"Yea? And risk ourselves from dying?" Maya mumbled.

I roll my eyes. "Don't be dramatic."


I checked my watch.


I raise my hand, asking permission to go to the toilet. I exited the classroom and walked down to the lockers, and there stood, Elijah.

"What is it?"

"Are you gay?" Elijah asked, quite bluntly.

"Yeah, fucks it to you?"

"I'm gay too." He grinned.

I scoff. "Like I care."

"Are you a virgin?"

"...yea. Why? What are you planning?" I squint my eyes.

"What's your type?"

I pointed at Elijah. "More or less you."

He grinned. "Meet me when school ends." And with that, he left.

I'm guessing this is a date.

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