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Its finally prom, and literally everyone is looking perfect. Me, Maya and Cameron were walking around, we had no one, and I mean no one to go out for prom with. Sad, but not to me. Maya on the other hand, was standing tall and was looking gorgeous in her green dress.

 Maya on the other hand, was standing tall and was looking gorgeous in her green dress

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Currently, its 10:35 on the clock. There was loud music, people dancing, hand in hand, arm in arm with their lover. Or, whoever they're dancing with. Cameron was looking fine as well, he had his white hair slicked back. Haha, funny.


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And then there was me. An amazing, gorgeous, hot, yet cute, fine as fuck guy. 


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The three of us sat around a table in the corner, thankfully there was no sight of Elijah, Kane or Emily. Damn, I swear if I see them I'm gonna die. 

Two hours had now passed, and still, there was no sight of the terrible three. Me, and my two friends were now chugging down alcohol. We were tired, bored, and drained. "Ugh, I wanna leave." Maya mumbled, taking another sip of alcohol. 

"Same." I replied. 

"To be honest I think-" Before Cameron could finish his sentence, he spat out his drink, staring at the entrance. Me and Maya turned our head 180 degrees clockwise. 

No. Fucking. Way

Elijah Carter

Kane Fort

Emily Monroe

"No. Not them." I mumbled.

Maya scoffed. "Expected."

Elijah turned his head around, as if looking for someone, when his eyes landed on mine. He smirked, approaching me in small, yet quick steps. Emily and Kane followed behind him, but approached Cameron and Maya instead. I'll be honest, I'd rather be with Kane and Emily instead of Elijah.

"Archer Anderson. Will you be my  prom Queen?"

"I'm a man." Was my response.

"Archer Anderson. Will you be my prom King?"

"No." I replied, crossing my arms.

"Why?" I looked at him, directly in the eyes. He was fuming with rage, sadness, and....guilt?

"Because I'm not in the mood."

"I can make you to be in the mood." He whispered seductively in my ear. I could feel myself heat up, his hot breath tingling my nape.

"F-Fine." I mumbled.


I looked him up and down, he looked....expensive. 


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Elijah's arms were wrapped around my waist, while mine were placed on his shoulders. The music was elegant, and felt like a breeze. We moved our body to the rhythm, slowly and slowly. Looking into each others eyes deeply, a smile across each of ours face. And a light shade of pink on my cheeks. 

Elijah leaned in close to me, whispering. "I like you." I never knew how to reply, I was confused, unsure, and....doubtful. So, I just nodded in reply.  "Archer, tell me. How do you feel about me?"

"I....enjoy your company. But, I don't know if I feel the same way. But, I like you too." I spat out nonsense. 

Why did I say that?

Fuck you Archer Anderson.

"You do?" He mumbled.

 I nodded.

Not so later, his lips were connected to mine. He kissed me gently, and passionately, while I kissed him back the same way. With love. My heart beat was quickening, and I was burning up. I could feel my knees getting weaker, my legs weren't that far from just giving out.  Elijah picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and broke the kiss. "How do you feel now?"

"I love." I mutter, barely above a whisper.  I looked to my right, only to be greeted with Maya, Cameron, Kane and Emily filming the moment we just had. Elijah slowly put me down, and I jogged over to Maya. "Let me see."

She showed me the video. Elijah was kissing me with so much love, and I was kissing him back, feeling the same way as him. 

"You guys are cute together." She grinned, Emily and Cameron doing the same. Kane walked over to Elijah, giving him a short hug.

"Congratulations. You finally got yourself someone." Kane patted his back, a smile on Elijah's face, and love in his eyes.

He's in love with me.

I'm in love with him.

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