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I laid in bed, coughing, as I cleaned my runny nose with an already used, wet tissue. I sniffled, wiping away my sweat.

"Elijah, I made soup, eat some." Aunt Judie held a bowl that had steam coming out of it. I groaned shaking my head.

"I don't want it."

"It wasn't an optional question, fucking take it." I sat up in bed, muttering several swear words as I take the bowl from my Aunt's hands. She grinned, and sat down on my bed. "How you feeling?"

"Bad." I mutter, my voice hoarse and croaky. Using the spoon, I take sips of the soup. "It's tastes horrible."

"It's medicine, not fucking McDonalds." She rolled her eyes. "I'll take Allister to kindergarten, you stay and rest."

I nod. Normally I don't take days off of school, not even when I'm sick. But, I suppose this time my health condition is worser than usual, and by the way I'm feeling, I definitely shouldn't be going school in this state.

Aunt Judie left my room to wake up Allister,and I was left alone with a burning hot bowl of soup in my hands. Putting it down on my bedside table, I walk to the window.

It was snowing outside.

I loved the snow.

It was pretty.

It's fun.

I sighed, smiling to myself. I opened the window for a while, breathing in the cool, refreshing air. I breathed out, and shut the window.

"Fuck. It's freezing." I sniffle, rubbing my palms together.

I quickly laid back in bed hiding underneath my blanket, shivering as I continued to sniffle uncontrollably.


I sat on the couch, munching on some chips, as I watched Miraculous on the TV. My favourite character was Chloe, I hated her, but loved her. I enjoyed how sassy she was, and how she would always say,'utterly ridiculous', she was funny. But, she was annoying at times, like her pridefulness.

I coughed. And coughed. And coughed. Then I sniffled. And sniffled. And sniffled

I was sick, and I knew it. But, the thing about me, is that I have a habit of acting as if I'm not ill, or in need of help, or anything that makes me seem weak. I was taught to be strong, independent, not reliable on others, and sensitive. That's what I was taught.

Every night, instead of having bed time stories, I would have bed time beatings. My father would enter my bedroom, each night, with something new in his hand. A whip, a belt, a shoe, and even a knife. He would whip me, cut me, punch me, and kick me. He would say, if I couldn't handle his beatings, I would not be able to handle anything when I grow up. And I believed him. I believed that you must get hurt, to be able to be strong. And I still believe that.

To me, it made sense, to other it didn't. But I didn't care, all I did, was live the way my father told me to.


It was now late at night, at least 2:00 am. Allister was asleep, along with Aunt Judie. But I couldn't sleep, all I could think about, was Archer. Archer Anderson. His soft, white skin. Light brown hair, that almost looked blonde. Emerald green eyes. A slim, yet muscular body. He was so short compared to me, and I loved that. Whenever he spoke, he would speak with confidence, and passion. He was brave, loving, caring. But also, cold, toxic, and rude to certain people. He was unique, someone no one deserves, because he's too perfect.

Sighing, I jumped onto my bed, closing my eyes. I wasn't sleeping, I wasn't tired. I'm just...resting. Because, I'm too tired of this world, tired of the people, tired of my life.
But still, I couldn't rest.

Maybe I should listen to music.

I grabbed my wireless headphones from my drawer, and put on 'Stitches', by Shawn Mendes. It was my absolute favourite song, it made me calm, yet excited. Always. Whenever I was down, upset, happy, nervous. Whatever I felt, whenever I listened to this song, my mind would go blank, and the only thing in my head, would be the moon.

The moon was alone, in the dark, but it still shone bright. People, should also be like the moon.

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