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After Archer left, there was silence, an uncomfortable silence. I stared at Aunt Judie, and she kept the contact. Allister just sat in silence, finishing the last peace of his pancake.

"So, did you tell him about your parents?" Aunt Judie questioned, breaking the silence which I was grateful  for.

"No." I answered. She sighed, shaking her head.

"If you want a strong and stable relationship, and if you truly love him, you should be honest." She stood up, grabbing her coat. 


"Work." She then left the house, leaving me with my thoughts, and Allister. 

I kissed Allister's cheek and stood up, jogging up the stairs to my bedroom. Opening the door, I closed it slightly and jumped onto my bed, laying on my back. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table, and texted the group chat with Kane, Emily and I. We named the chat, 'Area 51'.

ME: Wassup?

EMILY: The sky.

KANE: To be more precise, the sun.

ME: Shut up.

KANE: Your the one who asked.

EMILY: Indeed.

ME: Alright, nerdy creeps. I'm bored. As fuck.

EMILY: Same. 

KANE: Its Sunday, how about a movie night?

EMILY: Lets invite Maya.

KANE: And Cameron.

ME: And my baby.

KANE: Damn, I forgot u have a bf now.


ME: Whatever. Come over at about...7:00?

KANE: Sureeee

EMILY: Alrightttt

The three of us were now offline, and I quickly texted Archer, inviting him over.

ME: Wanna come over for a movie night?

ARCHER: With who?

ME: Me, you, Cameron, Maya, Emily and Kane. The usual

ARCHER: Hmm....k, I'll ask my dad. He'll most likely allow me anyways.

ME: Great! I love you baby.

ARCHER: I love you too.

A smile crept on my face after Archer sent the last message before going offline. 'I love you too', how sweet.


After what felt like hours, and was actually indeed hours, Kane, Emily, my baby, and the rest have arrived at my house at 7:00 exactly.  

"Hey baby." I wrapped my arms around Archer as he wrapped his legs around my waist. 

"Hey." He whispered quietly, burying his face in my chest.

"Ready for school tomorrow?" I ask, sitting down on the couch as Archer laid on top of me. Kane turned on the TV yelling at everyone to sit down and choose a movie.

"No way." Archer groaned, using his right hand to play with his curls.

I chuckled, kissing his forehead. 

Finally, Kane and everyone settled around the couch, as pillows and blanket filled the area. We were watching a horror movie, the one called 'Scream', its pretty creepy I'll be honest. 

A few minutes had passed during the movie, and everyone was focusing on what was going on.



"I'm tired." Archer murmured, stuffing his face in my chest. I rubbed his back, using my other hand to play with his brunette curls.

"Go to sleep, baby."  He nodded, pulling the blanket over him. 

Sleep took the better of Archer, and he was now snoring softly, his face pressed down onto my chest. 

"Damn, that dude's creepy." Kane muttered, tightening his grip on the blanket.

"I know right." Emily agreed, taking a sip of her drink, trembling slightly.

"What the fuck!?" Cameron stood up as a jump scare came up.

"Holy fuckity-fuck-fuck." Maya yelled.

"Shut the fuck up!" Archer got up, hitting Cameron's head lightly.

"Oh, fuck, sorry." He apologized.

"You okay, baby?" I rubbed Archer's back. He hummed in reply and slowly fell back asleep.

"Keep it down, assholes." I wacked Kane's arm. He groaned, glaring at me.

"I don't think we can." He replied. I rolled my eyes, and continued to watch the movie.


Soon, everyone had left for home, Archer was still sleeping though, and it seemed like he wouldn't wake up soon. I took his phone, he didn't have a password, which is dumb, and I called his dad.

ARCHER'S FATHER: Hey son, where are you? Its getting late.

ME:- Oh hello, sorry, I'm not Archer, I'm Elijah.

ARCHER'S FATHER:- Archer's boyfriend?

ME:- Yes, right now Archer is sleeping at my place, is that okay?

ARCHER'S FATHER:- Yes, of course. Just remember its Monday tomorrow, wake up early.

ME:- Don't worry Sir.

ARCHER'S FATHER:- No, call me 'Dad', son.

ME:- Goodnight.

ARCHER'S FATHER:- Goodnight.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I hung up on the phone.


He wants me to call him dad.

I rubbed my eyes aggressively,  as I sniffled uncontrollably.  Picking up Archer bridal style, I walked upstairs to my bedroom, laying him on my bed. I then headed to Allister's room, and he was already fast asleep.

I made my way back into my room, and laid beside Archer, unbothered to take off my clothes. I caressed his hair gently, carefully looking at his features.

His soft, brown, curly hair that would bounce back whenever you kept pressure on it. His milky, white skin that would turn pink at the slightest touch, due to it being sensitive. His bright red lips, no different to the color of a cherry.  And his chocolate eyes, that were now closed.

He's so beautiful.

I love him.

"I love you, baby." I whispered quietly, before my eyes closed, and I fell asleep.

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