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Three more months of college until I'm a graduate, along with my friends, Maya and Cameron. Right now I was seated at the back of the class, taking notes of the maths lesson being taught. Maya sat beside me while Cameron sat in front.

I checked my watch, 


Ten more minutes until maths class is finally over. I looked over to Maya, nudging her elbow. She turned to me, and whispered. "What? Mr. Smith is right there, you blind ass-"

"Ten minutes until class is over, I'll see you at the lockers." I cut her of before raising my hand.

"What is it now Mr. Anderson?" Mr. Smith looked towards me in annoyance. 

I roll my eyes before saying, "Can I go to the bathroom sir?" 

"Class is nearly over just go in break."

"But Sir, its an emergency."

"Its not like your on your period or something, your a boy, Archer Anderson." He glared at me, before shooing me out of the class. I ran towards the locker room, when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry..." I picked up the books the guy dropped. "Are you okay?" I asked, he glared at me, snatching the books out of my hand and walked away. "Hmph! Rude!" I yelled from where I stood, not caring if he heard me or not. 

Maya and Cameron walked over to me, confused. "What happened?" Cameron asked.

"I ran into that guy, I apologized and picked up the books he dropped, but he glared at me and snatched the books away. What's up with his attitude?" I open my locker, taking out a granola bar.

"He's probably on his period, got mood swings too." Maya sarcastically said, smirking. I nod my head, taking a bite of my granola bar.

"You guys do know who he is, right? Your not saying all this on purpose are you?" Cameron gave us look that clearly said, 'You bitches are dead'. Me and Maya look at each other, confused, before shaking our head. Cameron sighs and rubs his temple. "That's Elijah Carter. The richest, rudest, and weirdest dude in this Academy. Apparently, he moved to this school just last month due to being kicked out from his previous college after he knocked out his Science teacher. I'm surprised you both don't know him. So, its best if you stay away from him, and his friends, Kane and Emily." Cameron explained rather thoroughly.

I nod my head in understanding, and Maya did the same. "Interesting...." I mutter. Maya agreed and we both walked to the cafeteria. We sat in our normal seats, next to the window, in the corner. "So, does that mean his friends are also rich, rude and weird?" I asked Cameron, taking a bite of my nugget. 

"Well, they are quite wealthy, but nothing compared to Elijah. They are definitely indeed rude, but not that weird. They are weird for being friends with someone weird." Cameron chuckled, taking a sip of his apple juice. Maya grabbed my arm before pointing at the three students who just barged into the cafeteria.

Elijah Carter, Kane Fort, and Emily Monroe. 

"Why's he pointing at me?" I asked Maya and Cameron, as Elijah pointed his finger directly at me me, causing the entire cafeteria to stare at me. I stand up from my seat, when Maya and Cameron pulled me down. 

"What are you doing you dumbass!?" Maya whispered loudly enough for me to hear.

"To bash his head of course." I smirk, clenching my fist.

"Are you thick!?" Cameron flicked his finger on my head.

"Fuck you both, I'm having a word with him." I walk over to Elijah, and looked him up and down. He was tall, really tall, about 6,7 perhaps. He had a strong build, and broad shoulders. You could say he was kind of attractive. "Is there a reason your pointing at me?" I looked up at him from my 5,8 body frame.  

"Yea, there is." He smirked, leaning down to whisper in my ear. "Lets meet up at the same place you bumped into me, tomorrow, same time." I pushed him away.

"Why should I?" I snapped. Cameron and Maya were now standing behind me. I whispered, "On the count of three. 1.....2....RUN!" The three of us ran past Elijah and his two friends, escaping the cafeteria and school building. 

"Asshole!" Cameron yelled, as he panted, trying to catch his breath.

"Don't worry, I'm meeting him tomorrow. I got this all out of control." I calmly replied, a big grin on my face.

"How do you know if he wont beat you up or something?" Maya raised her eyebrow.

I scoffed. "Please, you'll both be hiding somewhere to help me just in case he does some foolish act." 

This, is gonna be fun.

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