She swallowed hard. "The 3 of them raped..." she paused. "Someone... and Leyton flipped... he disfigured Keegan and broke Kent's leg...""

"Oh my god!." charisma said. "Which poor girl did they rape..." she added closing her eyes.

Mia chewed her lips, "it was umm....Tonya..."

Charisma looked at Keegan, and she covered her mouth in complete disbelief. Keegan shook his head. "These mother fuckers need to be dealt with... I don't care what circumstances it happened under... this isn't the first time that all 3 of them have been caught in a serious sexual assault act... Keane is my son and I did not raise RAPISTS!.." he snapped his teeth gritted.

"Where the hell is Leyton his head is gonna be gone..." Charisma said in shock.

"He's gonna come here... he's on his way...

"What about Tonya?.."

"I can't see her anymore...

"Oh my god Keegan... Nash is gonna go crazy... shit!.. and I don't care what anybody thinks about Tonya, no one deserves to be raped, no matter what they've done or said..."

"I'm heading out..." he said standing up. As he did the door opened and Leyton walked in. Keegan looked at him. "Leyton?..."

He looked at his mom and dad. "They had it coming... you didn't see them... what they did to her... how they treated her... they can't be allowed to continue to get away with it, just because of who their bloodline derives from... Tonya was scared... what started out as fun, on behalf of Josh... Quickly became a horror story for that woman..

"What do you mean Josh!.." charisma, said completely beside herself the more, and more people that she was finding out was actually involved in this.

"He invited her... he called her a ho... but he also implied that you're one too.."
Charisma started crying, she was so upset at hearing that.
"he text her and told her to meet them at the trap... I had heard enough of their bullshit, so I decided to leave... I went back to the trap early the next morning, and" he shook his head with tears in his eyes, remembering the sight that he saw in front of him when he arrived there.  "They had her tied down... and they were taking turns on her, all three of them, including my fucking twin brother... they were keeping her drunk, they were given her uppers to keep her going... She kept saying no, and Keegan just shoved her panties in her mouth to make her keep quiet... i'm sorry mom, I couldn't take them doing this. It brought back memories for me, especially with Keegan involved... I just blacked out and then when I came to, I had done them both some damage.... Keane got away with it by the skin of his teeth, but only because he's my twin... But he deserves to be fucked up just as bad..."

"Where was Josh?...

"Him and Arlen had left by all accounts before it turned nasty...."

"and they left her there with them?" Charisma said a tear dropped on her cheek. She was in complete disbelief at what she was hearing.
Keegan was livid, he had been quiet, listening to what his son was telling him, and his blood was boiling.


Josh walked into the hospital. Keegan had been taken to a regular hospital with Kent because he couldn't be seen at his grandfather's pay-rolled clinic. Keane had gotten them there before he had seen Josh that day.

Josh had forced the location out of Keane by going back to the trap and going at him, some more until he told him where both of his sons were.
Josh and Arlen made their way through the emergency department. "Bro... over there!." Arlen said as he saw Kent sitting in a chair with his leg done up in bandages and crutches next to him.

Josh walked over and Kent saw him coming. "It wasn't on me... it wasn't on me...

Josh, put the curtain around him and beat him with a knuckle duster while Arlen kept watch

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Josh, put the curtain around him and beat him with a knuckle duster while Arlen kept watch.
As soon as he was done, beating the shit out of one of his son, he stuck him in a wheelchair and made Arlen wheel him out of the hospital covered up.

He then looked around for Keegan as he did he saw his father standing in front of him. "If you're looking for that mother fucking son of yours... I have him already... you should move faster..."

"He's mine to deal with...

"And you're mine to deal with... I get you got yo fucking beef with me... Something that you would never be able to let go of... But I heard today the way that you've been speaking about yo mama... and you are lucky that we are standing in this hospital right now... cause I'm ready to paint this fucking place in yo blood... How the hell could you allow yo rapist motherfucking son to stay alone with a woman... and why Tonya?.."

"She's a ho... she's up for it... and at the same time it would piss off Nash, which would piss off mom... which would piss off you?... but it wasn't supposed to go as far as it did....

"wow, the fucking maturity... A woman had to get raped for me and you to have this out... Listen to yo self... you come across like you're grown, like you know about life, like you're a great father now... but you have done yo own amount of shit, and you know it... But the one thing I will never let you get away with is saying anything derogatory about yo mama, EVER! Do you fucking understand me.."

Josh just stared at his father. "So what do you wanna do about it?.."

"You're gonna deal with yo rapist sons... and then me and you were gonna have this out like men...


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