jungkook was silent on the other side registering what the doctor said.

"...he has to stop taking those pills, jungkook." seokjin says, his voice stern and worried.

"it's not like i could just tell him to stop and he'll listen, hyung..." jungkook says with another sigh.

the doctor bit his lip before speaking again.
"i don't want to make you feel guilty or anything but you do know that he's taking the pills because of you right?... i know he's a doll and that's part of it as he was bound to meet and accomodate guests that's why the pills were essential for him... but you're the only one he's seeing at the moment..."

"...you two are active and you're not even bothering to use protection making him now to strongly rely more on the pills as he knows he shouldn't get pregnant..."

"...he's young and was conditioned, jungkook. he wouldn't complain if he had to take the pills every time for the sake of satisfying the guest, your needs... but maybe if you were using protection then at least he might not need those pills as often...plus he seemed to be listening to you..."

"...such a poor thing having to work as a doll at such a young age..." seokjin mumbles.

the younger was silent. mind registering all what the other said, guilt creeping in his skin.

he could've tried to talk to doll about the pills if he just had been more responsible enough but all he focused on was his own pleasure.

"thank you, hyung. i'll keep that in mind." he says. "i'm also working on it. i just hope it'll all be done before i leave..." he mumbles.

"yeah, namjoon briefly mentioned it to me. i've also sent the results to him. i hope everything turns all right..." seokjin says with a sigh.

"...anyways, let him rest for a few days. so keep your dick in your pants."

end of flashback

before their visit to the clinic jungkook convinced seokjin not to tell the doll anything as he didn't want him to worry and he didn't want to risk the check up being mentioned to the madam.

it took a lot of convincing to get the doctor to agree. jungkook had to call seokjin's husband, namjoon, his lawyer to convince the older. they had to keep everything confidential.

jungkook then started feeling very guilty knowing he was a contributing factor of putting the doll's health at risk. the pills he was taking was starting to take a toll on his fragile body and the fact that he could've been carrying their child.

he never intended to make the doll feel like he was pushing him away. he was just controlling himself from the guilt that was eating him up inside plus spotting the small bottle in the doll's bag the other day was not helping.

"jin-hyung talked to me saying i should... control myself for a bit..." he briefly states. the doll looking at him with furrowed brows.

"..the pills, love. it's not good for you... for your health..." jungkook says. the brunette frowns, wiping his tears with the back of his hand.

so this is what's it all about. the pills he was taking?

"y-you shouldn't control yourself with me. that's what i'm here for and i'm taking them because i need to and to do my job for you and not to cause any problems." the doll replied making jungkook's heart ache. seokjin's voice ringing in his ear.

"...he's young and was conditioned, jungkook. he wouldn't complain if he had to take the pills every time for the sake of satisfying the guest, to cater your needs..."

"... i've told you before didn't i? you shouldn't worry about such things..." the doll
mumbles looking away, ignoring the flash of pain in his chest as he said the words.

jungkook let out a frustrated sigh with the sudden outburst but shrugged it off as he didn't had the strength to argue with the doll.

he let out a sigh before speaking again. "just until you're with me... can you not take them?" jungkook says, eyes almost pleading seeing the hesitation on the doll's face. "please..." he whispers as he wrapped his arms against the doll, head slumped on the doll's shoulder.

the brunette was so confused. he could hear the desperation laced in the other's voice.

was it that a big of a deal for him?

"o-okay..." he squeaks out. "...i'll do it for you." V says as he wrapped his arms around the other. it's not like the madam would know if he stopped taking the pills for just a week.

"thank you, love." jungkook murmurs.

he was a good doll after all, needing to follow what the guest wants.

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