54. Doomed pt.3/3

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

{Kazan age 7}

Timeline: before Naruto part 1

~~~December 11~~~

(3rd person POV)

All 8 fragments of Mikaboshi stood in the same spots, completely terrified of Arashi's presence.

"Big brother...Arashi..." one of them stuttered in a nervous, yet enraged tone.

"Now, I think your visit here is over.

So, I'll just destroy the bodies of all your present fragments so your life force can return home, and I'll lecture you later." Arashi's tone became more serious at the end as his enthusiastic expression completely disappeared.

The blonde haired man then raised his right hand and began amassing chakra into his palm that took the form of golden colored lightning.

"Multiple strike Kaminari Bolt."

Just then a sudden massive barrage of lightning bolts struck from the sky, their collisions with the ground being so powerful that the ground quaked causing almost all buildings to crumble and the bright flickers of light from the 8 bolts of electricity shining so brightly they could be seen outside of the nation, temporarily blinding those who didn't turn away.

Once the quakes and flashes of light subsided the only evidence of Mikaboshi's presence left were the charred skeletons of his 8 fractions that slowly began crumbling away turning to piles of ash that blew away with the wind.

As Kazan watched this he sweat dropped.

'Remind me to never talk to him the way I did to Inari earlier today.'

"Oh trust me you impulsive little brat, we won't let that happen ever again. For the sake of our own lives."

After his short mental conversation with Indra Kazan's attention was caught by Arashi.

"How many fractions of Mikaboshi did you count?"


Why?" Kazan responded.

"Because there were supposed to be nine.

One more of his fractions is around here somewhere. Although I don't sense them, so It's likely he's hiding in his Jikyukan Dimension until I leave so he can target you again.

If that's the case I'll have to keep a close eye on you to ensure that doesn't happen."

Sensing the approaching Akatsuki members, Arashi quickly ends the summoning jutsu and returns to his realm.

Immediately after arriving at the scene and seeing the scorched skeletons of the 8 fragments Itachi sternly questioned Kazan about what kind of jutsu he used.

Knowing that Arashi had left to specifically avoid their attention Kazan took credit for the jutsu and lied about it.

"It was a Ranton jutsu I was working on enhanced with a LOT of Nine Tails' chakra."

Glancing back at the crumbling charred skeletons and intense burn marks on the ground everyone present save for Kazan were overcome with extreme nervousness.

"Now I understand why you told us no to advance.

If we disregarded your warning that would've been us." Mangetsu said in a shaky still terrified voice.

a Young Genius (Naruto's twin brother) an INSANE GENIUS book 1Where stories live. Discover now