10. Two New Senseis pt.2/2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. It belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

{Kazan age 4}

Timeline: before Naruto part 1

~~~September 14~~~

(Kazan POV)

After a quick introduction and asking me if I was still alright with this, Aniki left using his Kamui. I was now alone with my two new teachers if you exclude Swirly who was underground with about 2 or 3 other Zetsu clones.

The first was a boy in his late teens who had spikey unkempt ginger hair. His brown eyes were just gleaming with enthusiasm and he wore a cheeky grin on his face. His aura was one of pure friendliness and warmth.

He also seemed to be a bit obnoxious. Like a human version of Swirly.

The second boy looked to be the same age as the first. He had long silky red hair that flowed over half his face reaching his shoulders. His singular visible eye, a Rinnegan to my surprise, was clouded with conflicted emotions and his aura was rather grim and screaming "I don't want to be here at all".

He reminds me of Aniki when he's in a depressed mood. Rather annoying but not to the point where I couldn't put up with it for 5 days.

"Good grief." I mutter under my breath.

The ginger haired boy introduced himself as Yahiko and his red haired friend was named Nagato.

His last name stuck out to me.


It was the same as my mother's.

I didn't jump to conclusions just because they had the same last name.

I know that a couple Uzumaki survived their home village's destruction so him knowing my mother might be a long shot.

However, later that day, Yahiko being curious as well as trying to make small talk asked me a couple of questions.

Questions you ask any average 4 year old like what they like, what they dislike, how they spend their time and if they had siblings.

It was in that way that I told Yahiko why I was with Obito (or rather Tobi as they call him.)

"I don't know much about my parents.

All I know is that my mother is an Uzumaki and my father is half Uchiha.

Tobi is actually my cousin, but I call him Aniki because he's the one who raised me and I think of him as a brother more than a cousin."

I didn't go into a lot of detail about anything, playing the act of a regular 4 year old.

In fact, I purposefully left out crucial pieces of information so it wasn't obvious I was the 4th Hokage's missing son.

I made sure that it was not obvious I was leaving something out, meanwhile also keeping an eye on Nagato's reaction as I was getting a hunch he was hiding something.

Upon mentioning my mother was from the same clan as him I saw Nagato tense up. It was barely visible but having sharp vision thanks to my Uchiha genes, I noticed it clearly.

From then on I kept a closer eye on him.

I would get him go crack and I'd do it before Ojiisan and Aniki came back from their mission.

(3rd person POV)

The first day Kazan was there, most of his time was spent chatting away with Yahiko who was making conversation to get the boy to feel more comfortable before starting training.

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