52. Doomed pt.1/3

Start from the beginning

The pattern of his Mangekyou faded away in his eyes returning to that of his normal Sharingan, blood running down his face from his tear ducts as he panted exhaustedly.

'I'm almost out of chakra.

If we're struggling like this in a near 150 against 1 battle, I wonder how Obito Shisui and Nagato are doing against that bigger Kitsune.

And on top of that...'

The image of his missing comrade flashed into his mind.

'Where the heck is Kazan?'


After teleporting away from Inari's domain Kazan prepared to fight Mikaboshi back on earth, but instead they arrived in a different area, one similar to Inari's domain.

"Where are we?

I though you said you'd take me back to~"

"Easy there kiddo. I know what I said and I am a fox of my word.


There's something we need to sort out before that."

"Something to sort out?!

Every moment we stay away from Earth more people die!"

"I know that, which is why I want you to stop arguing and listen to me so we can get there sooner."

Kazan finally stayed quiet and listened as Arashi explained.

"I can't assist you in a fight against another Celestial Kitsune if we have no solid connection. It would cause problems amongst me and the other higher gods.

Therefore, before we do anything I need you to establish a permanent summoning contract with me."

Kazan was caught off guard.

"A...summoning contract?

Me and you?"


This solid connection is set in stone for as long as you live. Therefore I can step in and save you at any time I want without raising problems with my siblings and or other deities.

I would've just teleported us both straight to the village but Elder Brother would've nagged non stop if I didn't do this first. So here we are."

"But you're...a god...

Doesn't a summoning contract mean that you submit to me as a kuchiyose?"

Arashi confirmed this which made Kazan more hesitant.

"Won't this effect your rank? Submitting to a mortal, and a kid no less?"


It doesn't work that way with Celestial Kitsune.

The only party of the contract whose rank will change is the one who the Kitsune submits to.

After signing your name your title will instantly change from mortal to Spirit Sage and all problems that would normally arise regarding our connection or interactions will automatically be erased.

The contract also changes the power-level of the Kitsune, adding our summoner's power onto our own making us stronger than before which is why we only forge contracts with trustworthy and powerful mortals.

As they become stronger our power increases along with theirs ultimately securing our positions as the most powerful race as well as our positions as gods."

Arashi then conjured a scroll in his left hand and handed it to the boy.

"Just put your name and fingerprints in any blank space underneath my name in blood and we'll be all set to go back to Earth and deal with my little brother."

Kazan took the scroll in his right and unraveled it. He then paused momentarily as he stared at the spaces underneath Arashi's name.

There signed in blood were three other names.

The first was Indra Otsutsuki, the second Kiyoko Kaguya, and the last Yosuke Uchiha.

From the size of the handprints from the last two, Arashi's former summoners looked to be kids around the same age as him. Either that or they just had oddly small hands.

Biting his finger until he drew blood Kazan then signed his name in the space beneath Yosuke's and dabbed the blood from his thumb onto his 4 other fingers before placing his handprint beside his signature.

Immediately after that the scroll glowed a bright golden color before dispersing into shimmering particles.

"Alright then.

Lets go." Arashi said in a more serious tone.

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