33. Reunited

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My father stumbled back, breathing quickening. I'll never forget the look he gave me. Of disappointment and of hatred. Holding his wound he turned around and ran a few steps before face planting to the ground.

I was shocked. I stood there seeing his non-moving body lay there. My hand was still clenching the gun tightly.

I let out a jagged breath that I didn't know I was holding. The gunshot echoed through the forest, the sound of it carrying a weight that I could never have imagined. And as my father lay on the ground, his eyes glazed over, I knew that I had made a terrible mistake.

But as I stood a distant away from over body, my thoughts began to linger. I had wanted to find a way to be a family again, but now I knew that would never happen. In one split second, I had destroyed any chance we had at a future together. And as the reality of what I had done began to sink in, all I could do was stare at the body of my father, wondering. I heard muffled sirens gradually coming closer.

What have I done... I'm a monster...

I started to breathe faster. Each breath was shorter and faster than the other. I began to feel lightheaded, I tried to take a step forward to the body. But I was loosing balance and began to sway side to side.

However, I looked up and saw someone. Did they know? Did they see? My sight began to get blurry, whilst they shone a torch.

Was I safe?

"Drew?" The breathed out. He funnily had blonde hair a little of light pink on the sides. I swayed more and felt the world spinning. My eyes became heavier and my legs gave way. The only person I thought about was Jake. I never forgot about him. He looked just like him, I tried to say his name, but never finished it.

I collapsed fully, before even hitting the ground I stopped half way, he had caught me. As the surroundings dissolved, the darkness expanded engulfing me into the silent void.

Time Skip...

Remembering how I got threatened. How many people got torched in front of me. The heads ding cut off with a blunt knife, whilst they screamed their last air out. This woman with curly hair was being dragged in front of me. Her head yanked back and my dad attempting to slice her throat, or maybe he knew and just wanted to torture her. It took multiple times from either sides to cut into her windpipe. Her blood-thrilling gargling haunts me till now. The amount of blood just coming from a body was a lot. It squirted out onto me. I was drenched with her blood by the time my father finished with her. Packed her head in a box. I remember as she was screaming and her windpipe was cut open no vocals were heard just the air being released.

I gasped out loud. Taking in deep breaths as I sat up. I was looking everywhere. I was free.

I felt a presence beside me and I immediately knew who it was. Just felt it in my soul. I tried to get up, my hands shaking wasn't giving any help. After a few moments of struggle I was eventually on my feet. I was stable at all and was about to fall again. He caught me again, I was in his safe arms. I felt protected.

His arms wrapped around me and hugged me tightly, his head resting on my shoulder. I did the same thing back. "Jake," my voice trembled weakly, "I missed you, so fucking much." Out of nowhere, I started to sob. I couldn't believe it. I was safe. I was free. But, I killed my own father. Is it a nightmare? But Jake was in front of me. I felt my self shaking and crying his hand pushing him closer to him. He also began to weep.

He presses his head into my shoulder, as his tears flow and both of our sobs loud. "I missed you so bad." He managed to say through deep intakes of breath.

. "I killed him, Jake. I killed him." My voiced was hoarse and barely understandable. "I know." Is all he said and I  cried even harder. "My own father."

He said it as if it was a good thing.

A/N: Any improvements?

I need to expand my vocabulary. Have any word recommendations?


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