4- Entering the nightmare

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Drew POV-

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Drew POV-

Finally, the school day is over. Not like I wanted it to be, but it opened a few new doors for me.

I sigh in relief packing my bag up with the huge amount homework my language teacher gave me.

"I want these done by tomorrow," Mr O'Sullivant says firmly glaring at every one of us. Everyone looks at him clearly annoyed, but wont dare to show it. "And if failed to do so. It will lead to consequences." He smirks staring right at me.

I gulp. He did 'something' to a friend of mine that lead to police and court investigating into it. But he was found not guilty and then therefore set free. We all know what he did. But having no proof means nothing. My friend had a traumatic experience and no one would believe him. He wouldn't dare go into the school. He was so afraid.

His parents were disappointed in him so much that they sent him to boarding school to reflect on his behaviouror something.

How could your own parents not believe you in situations like these?

I hate Mr. O'Sullivant so much. I hate this class too. He's such a creep- a molester that tourched Michael.

Theres not many people in this class. Theres around 13 students here including me. Usually, on average there are 30 or 32 people in a class. But because this is an private extended course for further language I have to take it. In fact everyone in here is probably being forced by their parents due to their richness.

My father says this will be a great investment for me in the future. To take on his business in other countries. But I dont think I want to take on his business.

Everyone is already leaving quickly, yet I'm still here struggling with my bag. No one wants to be the last one here. I just take everything into my hands and put on a fully opened bag onto my shoulder.

I'll just put everything in when I'm in the corridors.

I'm the last one to the door.

"Drew," he calls out. I pretend I didnt hear him and I reach for the handle of the door. "Drew!" He yells grabbing onto my arm and yanking me back. "Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you," I look at him towering over me. "We dont want you having a punishment, now would we?"

An unsettling expression creeped onto his face. A wide grin with intense, focused eyes. At that moment, I felt unsafe. My breaths were shallower and shakier as I stared at him with fright. "N-no sir." I say with my voice slightly trembling trying to back away. "No need to be scared. Drew," he takes in a deep breath. "Your on the safe side for now." He chuckles I'm starting to get anxious as he moves closer and leaning to my height. Hes now hovering by my ear. "Now run along do my homework and well see eachother tomorrow with no consequences~" he whispers as he releases me from his grip and opens the door.

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