12. Standing Against the Storm

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Jake's POV-

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Jake's POV-

I ended the call. My arm drops to the side.

I hope Drew is ok for now.

This is all my fault. I'm hopeless.

The panic hits, my chest tightens and I can feel my heart racing, my body trembling uncontrollably. The air feels thin and I struggle to catch a breath, my lungs gasping for air. I grip my phone tightly, trying to focus on something, anything, but my mind is flooded with fear and uncertainty. My vision starts to blur and my hands and fingers feel numb. Despite everything, I try to take a deep breath and ride the wave of panic until it subsides. But every time it feels like it's over, the fear washes over me once more.

I could feel my heart racing and my hands began to sweat. My mind began to run a million miles per hour as my chest felt like it was closing in. My vision began to blur as I found myself doubled over, my head between my knees. My breaths coming in short gasps. The panic was overwhelming and it felt as though it was taking over my entire being. The world felt as though it was spinning and I wasn't sure how to make it stop. It felt as though I was on the edge of something, something I wasn't sure I was ready for.

My ears rang. I couldn't hear anything. Everything was muffled. Everything was blurry. A noise that kept repeating was muffled, but it kept getting louder.

I was looking at the ground and felt a sudden touch. I jolted upwards breathing short snd fast. I looked behind me and my eyes adjusted to a familiar face. It was Luke and behind him was Hailey and Zander.

My hearing becoming clear again, my name being repeated a few times. I couldn't hold it anymore and began sobbing.

I stood there, tears streaming down my face, my breathing shallow and my body wracked with sobs. The world seemed to spin around me, and I knew I couldn't face it alone. I stumbled towards my friend, needing their warmth and comfort in that moment. He wrapped me in his arms, holding me close as I cried.

Luke patted my head.

I clung to him, sobbing and shaking as the panic attack took hold of me. It felt like the world was closing in on me, and I didn't know how to make it stop. My friend held me close, his warm and steady embrace a comfort in the midst of the storm. He whispered words of encouragement, telling me to take deep breaths and that everything would be okay. I wanted so badly to believe them, but the fear was crushing me. Still, his presence and support helped me to slowly calm down, and the grip of the panic attack began to loosen. Eventually, I was able to take deep breaths and pull myself together, Luke's arms still wrapped around me, offering me a sense of safety and comfort.

I pulled away, wiping my face. "Sorry." I mumble.

"Ah, Jake. As much as you annoy me, we all have to keep together," Zander, smirks as he rolls his eyes. "Now come on. Let's save your Prince Charming." He grabs my wrist and the other two follow us.

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