20. In the wake

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Zander's Pov-

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Zander's Pov-

I'm going to be brutally honest with you all. Since the day of Drew's disappearance nothing really has been the same. Although, I tried to think and believed that everything was fine. But I had to face it. It wasn't.

It was the last year of school, so the music club had to get it together in order for us to exist after finishing school. Because we all knew that if we didn't, our contacts would loosen and it would be all lost.

However, we lost it way before. We lost Jake. Yes, obviously he was alive, but it was like he was always exhausted. He had no energy for anything. I mean I'm not surprised, if anything happened to Luke I dont know what I'd do.

Hailey's heart broke on that day on realising that she had no chance with Jake. It also broke her to pieces when seeing Jake in such a painful state. She tried helping Jake by comforting him, but it just resulted in her getting pushed away.

He stopped coming to practice and he was slowly distancing himself from us. He stopped hanging out with his friends at lunch. With that lettuce boy and Liam.

The group slowly started to fall apart after a few weeks. A huge argument occurred and Millie was the first to leave. We had no singer or guitarist. As she left she smashed Sean's laptop. I flinched hearing the screen shattering into pieces. I just knew there was no way for it to work. For the first time, Sean yelled. That laptop, it held a lot of value for Sean. I remember him saying it had memories of his parents and family. It was just so important to him.

I looked over to Hailey and saw everything in her eyes shattering as well . I saw how all her dreams came tumbling down. The smallest hope vanished from her life. She ran out of the room. Sean left without anything. Millie stomped out. All that was left was me and Luke.

I mean yeah, it's just a club. But it was more than just a club to all of us. It was more than just a club to me.

We were like family.

And just like that all of that was gone in an instant. The love, the friendship and music was gone. All that was left was memories.

School finished. And the years started to fly past. Me and my boyfriend got engaged and are now a married couple. He works as a bartender and I opened my own clothing business. Hailey managed to fulfil her dream. She's currently working on producing her first few songs. Luke still keeps in touch with Sean. He says that he's working as a waiter in this posh, fancy restaurant in another town.

Lucky for me, a few days ago I saw Milly across the street. We had to have a little catch up. Turns out she married a rich man and is living her life to the fullest. Looks like everyone has their happy ending.

Yet, I haven't seen Jake for a long time. I wonder if he's doing any better. Maybe moved on found a wife or husband or maybe living peacefully.

I sat on the couch in front of the TV. Oh my god. Did I tell you that we have this fluffy dog. It has the most adorable little, flappy ears. With a light shade of fur, but a dark black nose. Her name is Marley. She so adorable, I could squish her forever.

Luke is cooking dinner tonight, as I burnt noodles the other day. I turned on the news, while having a few sips of water. Just to see what was going on in the world. "2 officers were thrown a few meters from the explosion, but are alive without any scratches. They believe that they had found a potential clue to lead to all the deaths and disappearances of people from these past years. I'll hand over to one of them to explain what had happened more thoroughly."

I saw all the rubble of a broken shed maybe a warehouse. It was hard to tell. As the cop walked in front of the camera, he looked oddly familiar. Blonde with shaved sides that were a pale pink.

"Well as you can all see nothing was able to be retrieved..." he starts.

Then the name came onto the screen 'Officer: Jake Sterling'


Heh, Jake. Imagine being called that.

I had to have a few silent moments before it hit.

"Holy shit."

I spat out all the water that was in my mouth. "Luke! Luke." I shouted. "Yeah?" "Come quick." before I got up and instead of normally standing up from the couch like a normal being. I jumped over the back of it. Luke was already walking in, but I had to drag him in faster.

"No fucking way," he mumbled, as his eyes widened.

Seven years and I almost forgot how stupid he looked. 🙄

"And I thought he had a peaceful life." Luke chuckled. We both sat down and watched the news. After Sterling finished explaining the situation and asking for any details to contact him. He worked in the field of missing people. My head slowly turned to Luke, Luke was also turning towards me. Mouths parted and then the grins spread across our faces and our hands intertwined. We both started to screech in excitement. "He's looking for Drew. He's looking for Drew." We both chanted.

A/N: BTW this chapter is written a few days earlier from Jake's last pov. If you get what I mean.

Well how was this chapter enjoying it?

Do you guys want more on the others POVs?
Or do you want them to somehow meet up?

-Lemon <3

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