5- Invisble Sparks

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Drew's POV-

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Drew's POV-

I wake up with the sound of my phone alarm going off. I groan as I get up and get ready. I thrown on a tight fitting black shirt with some jeans and a flannel shirt on top. I brush my hair and shake my hair roughly. My hair strands land in a usual place and I'm happy with it. I grab my bag that hasn't moved since yesterday and walk downstairs.

My dad's laptop is gone and his door is closed he only left a note saying 'Business Trip'. At least he said where he went this time. I'm not a morning person and don't usually eat breakfast. So, I just head out.

It's a Wednesday and my lessons are alright today apart from the further language which is the first lesson of the day. Great.

I feel like I have forgotten something.. But what could it be...

I shrug the feeling off and walk on. Jake should be walking by any time soon, so that we can walk to school together. I pull out my phone and see a message.

J💕: Hey Drew, I'm at the usual spot.😏 A bit early though.

Me: I'll get there in a few 🤭

J💕: I'll be waiting :)

I smile to myself placing the phone back in my pocket. I'm actually in love with him. I squeal in excitement seeing Jake sitting on a bench looking at his phone. I start to pick up the pace and wave at him.

"Jake!" I yell waving at him.

"Hey, Drew!" He shouts back standing up and walking towards me. Once he reaches me we start talking and chatting like the good pals we are. As we are walking my hand brushed against his. I felt tingles all throughout my hand and creeping up my arm. Shit. My face feels hot.

However, Jake still is talking as if nothing just happened. I feel my heart ache a little. But it's fine.

Time skip....

We walk into the school building laughing our heads off. I swear a second ago he was looking to his side and looking at me. But when I turned around he was staring straight ahead. I think I'm hallucinating or I'm just paranoid. Maybe both.

"What lesson do we have first?" He questions me. "I have further language," I sigh. "I think you have... music?" My answer is great just as my life. "Awesome. But what's better is that we have art after this. And we're in the same class." He grins. "Can't wait. You wouldn't mind waiting by my classroom, before going to art?" "Course not. I'll be waiting for you. Like I always do so I don't know why you're asking in the first place." He chuckles. "Better to be safe." I smile.

We start heading our own ways when Jake yells "Bye Drew!". I wish I could be as bold as he is. I smile at him and wave turning myself on my heels. I see Mr. O'Sullivant standing outside the room leaning against the inside of the door frame. What a creep.

My smile fades a bit and I feel cold, as shivers go down my spine when I notice him already looking at me. "Good morning, beautiful boy." He whispers whilst smirking and looking me up and down when I walk past him through the door. "Morning" I whisper quietly not being able to do anything about it.

That's when it hit me.

My heart dropped dragging my stomach along too.

I forgot about the homework.

I sit down at my desk breathing rapidly, as I place my head in my palms. Fuck. I forgot about it. More students enter some looking more disgusted than others. I curse at myself. I'm praying so hard that he forgot about it. But the universe is against me as Mr. O'Sullivant walks up to the front of the class "I will be taking in your homework after class, so be sure to have it. I'm substituting the next class so you will be able to leave 5 minutes earlier." He announces. I curse under my breath looking around to see if anyone is panicking or any sign that they didn't do it.

No sign what so over. Everyone looks like they're relived.

After an hour the bell is heard. "Leave your homework on the side of the table on your way out." I see my chance just to walk out with the crowd. I get up quickly walking with some people behind me. "Drew the homework please!" The teacher yells. I ignore him and hurried out the door.

I'm actually scared for my life and I take quick steps with the crowd. However, when turning a corner I collide into someone. I was about to fall face first when some hands wrap my body. One hand pressed against my chest and the other on my waist. I was about to push away. "Woah there Drew, you good?" It was Jake. I stood up awkwardly and blushing slightly. "Uhm- yeah. Thanks." I laugh nervously. "We wouldn't want you falling for me now would we?" He flirts like always. It's his personality I suppose. I'm jealous of him being bold and open comes so easy to him. "Shut up-" I was going to add something else but get shoved from the back. I went flying forwards onto Jake.

I fell into Jake that fell backwards dragging me along the way. I landed on top of him. Trying to lift myself up I put my hands on the floor and either sides of his head.

Fuck. It probably looked like I was caging him.

By now I was probably red as a tomatoe. But I just couldn't get up and I stared mesmerised at his face. I swear I could see a slight blush creep up on his face. "Would you mind getting up please?" He smirks. "Oh yes. My bad." I quickly blurt standing back on my feet handing my hand out for him. He grabs onto it and pulls himself up. We look at each other.

He's a bit taller than me by like half a head or so. Him looking down at me makes me weak at the knees. "You know what, we need to hurry up before we're real late." He says grabbing onto my hand and pulling me as we walk to art. I'm a blushing mess by now. Luckily he couldn't see my face as I was behind him.

I get a notification, as we enter the classroom. Our teacher isn't there.

We sit at the back where we normally sit and that's when I notice 'I have to help out the receptionist, so Mr O'Sullivant will be your cover for today.' Written on the whiteboard. I feel myself getting sick. I want to cry and die. "You okay Drew? You don't look fine to me." Jake asks concerned. "Oh, well I'm fine. I just hate the cover teacher." "Who is it?" He questions as I point over to the board. "It's my teacher from further languages. I despise him he's such a creep."

I pull out my phone and see a bunch of photos attached from an unknown number. I open one and my face drops. Jake must've noticed as he goes to look over my shoulder. "Oh my god. Isn't that your-" He points out whispering. "Y-yea." I whisper shakily.

A/N: Cliffhanger...

Who do you guys think it is or what it is?

Excited for chapter 6?? I am

See you tomorrow same time :)


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