11. A Cry for Help

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Zander's POV-

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Zander's POV-

Sitting on the couch with my leg draped over my boyfriend was the most comfortable I had felt in a while. We were watching a romantic comedy, a guilty pleasure we both shared.

I have never told anyone, but im guilty of being a huge fan of romance comedy.

My boyfriend's hand was intertwined with mine, and every now and then he would squeeze my hand or rub my thigh as a show of affection. It was almost too perfect, our arms and legs mixed together like puzzle pieces. We were completely at ease, enjoying each other's presence and the sweet contentment of our relationship. Despite the world outside our little bubble, in that moment I felt like everything was right in the world.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and contentment wash over me. I could feel the warmth of his body radiating through my legs. It seemed like our entire relationship was contained in this one moment, and for a brief instant, it felt as though nothing else in the world mattered.

The feeling of comfort and safety that I felt in his arms was something that I would always cherish. I leant my head on his shoulder.

The film started becoming heated and I could feel my heart racing as the tension builds, and my boyfriend's heart seems to match my own. We're so caught up in the moment that we don't even notice that our breathing has become shallow and rapid. When the heated part of the film shows, we can feel the heat within us, the desire for each other.

I decided to take action, our hands still intertwined. I want this so badly. I let go of his hand and immediately wrapped my arms around his neck. I then moved my body and straddled him. My breathing still fast, as I look into his eyes.

His chest was also rising and falling fast. I look down at him for once and he looks up at me. He held onto my waist, whilst a smirk formed on his lips. This was my queue.

My hands slipped up his neck as I pulled him in

Our lips finally met, our hearts raced and tongues entwined in a passionate embrace. But just as Luke's hand went up my jumper and touched my bare skin, a sharp ringing filled the room as a phone rang out.

It was my phone.

The moment was shattered and the mood was instantly ruined, the tension replaced by frustration and disappointment. The interruption was a cruel reminder that even in the most intimate moments, life can still find a way to throw a wrench in the works.

I didn't bother looking at the phone and decided to ignore it and continue with what I was doing. Our lips connected again and the sound of the ringtone stopped. Luke's hands gently squeezed my waist and then I was flipped. I grinned at his smirk now hovering above me. However, the phone rang again. I groan in annoyance.

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