21. Shared Fears

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Sean's POV-

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Sean's POV-

Seven years ago, Drew's disappearance was the most known case of all. It was the top headlines of any news that you would turn on. I remember getting a phone call from Luke. He sounded very panicked. It was the evening of Drew disappearance. He told me what had happened to Drew, he told me about of Jake how he just ran in, which got him into serious trouble.

I never liked Drew, but I would never wish anything to happen even to my worse enemy. I really did think nothing would change, maybe just for the better and that's it. I thought that everything would be more calmer; no bullying; no arguments; just less of everything you know. But when it hit me, that he actually went missing seeing the posters on lampposts, shops windows, on the internet. Everywhere.

I will be honest, I thought Drew would be found in less than a week. But that week turned into a month, then into months and before I looked around it has been seven years.

Nothing was the same. It was terrible in fact. The whole music club crashed within a month. This could've been my future, but it was all lost. Due to Milly's sudden outburst my laptop was smashed. Never in my life did I become so angry. It resulted in an heated argument.

I left the room midway, as I couldn't do it anymore. Milly followed me out the room, but we both walked in opposite directions. Before that Hailey ran out wiping her face from tears. I took a quick glance at Luke and Zander, who were left. I just knew nothing would be like it was before. It was all just Drew.

Drew the asshole, the bully gone. Just imagine how it would be if it was someone close.

I hope he's doing fine. I miss him honestly. He wasn't bad, maybe misunderstood? To be fair, apart from him taking his problems on the music club, he wasn't bad I suppose.

I just entered the door to my house and I was met with the warmth of the radiator. The only thing I love about Winter. I turned on the lights. Which brought a sense of coziness and comfort. I took off my blazer and the rest of the suit. I work as a waiter, but in an elegant restaurant. I love my job. Today wasn't as busy as it usually is. It was quite a nice change.

I put on a pair of fluffy socks and a jumper and walked into the kitchen. I re-heated myself some spaghetti bolognaise and sat down at the table.

I live with my family, but they went on Holiday. They insisted on me to go with them. But I have had a lot of work to catch up on, and I couldn't get any work days off. So, I'm stuck here.

I turned on the TV behind me. I always needed some sort of noise in the background whenever I'm alone or when it's quiet. Just can't bear the silence. As I was eating, the news started. I usually missed the news only because they always start so early and I come home late. They were talking about missing people and warehouses exploding and other brief things. Eventually, the news deepens as they go into greater depth of information.

'Now we'll hand it over to Officer Jake Sterling...'

He sounded oddly familiar..
Then I instantly knew who it was. Even after seven years of not having the contact. I looked back only to see the one and only blond Jake. What a small world this is. I then listened to him more thoughtfully on what he was speaking about.

He was talking about the missing people and how they were so close to finding them all. He looked very exhausted, his whole expression was bland and had eye bags beneath his eyes. I hope he takes breaks.

I smiled slightly knowing he was doing this for Drew and the other innocent people. But mainly Drew, probably leading him onto his career choice. I turned back round and continued to eat. Hopefully, someday we would catch up.

Maybe with the whole old group. That would be amazing to see their faces again. I've only spoken to Luke a few times this year. Listening to what everyone was up to and what he does for a living was great. I remember him telling me that he worked as a bartender a few towns away. I could always take the train and visit him. Maybe I'd even see Zander and Hailey. I wouldn't really want to see Milly; I still haven't fully forgiven her yet. But hey I will. Someday.

And Jake. Well, I'm not sure if I would see him ever, but I want to. He seems like a busy man working on cases full of action. I was about to finish my plate and got a notification from Luke.

My wish was granted. He was asking if I would like to meet up with him and Zander possibly Hailey in the bar that he works at. I obviously said yes. We'll be meeting up in two days. Can't wait.

A/N: What a short chapter this was.

Any ideas on how to improve it further before continuing?

-Lemon <3

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