Quick Info 💕

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Just to clarify...

This is my original book plot, but of course its inspired by RozyClozy :)

However, most images that are put into this belong to me. So if you do use these please give credits👌

Thank you🤭

Comment any ideas or anything that can be improved <3 I'll appreciate it very much and will most likely add it in.

It will usually be in Drew's pov but not always. Actually, it might not be. 50 50 I suppose.

This book isnt set in any episode, so you can just imagine it.

Just like in my other book I am a student working on my GCSEs and competitive sports. If you do GCSE art you understand the amount of work you have to do. 😭 I have exams coming up soon and I'm actually kicking my feet and I cant wait💀😏

WARNING: This book will contain:
-Sucidal Thoughts
-Maybe Smutt?

-Other ships like:
-a bit of Jailey/Jaisy
That's mostly it

No I'm just joking shes cool :).

You have been warned.



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