2- Actions have consequences

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Drew's POV-

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Drew's POV-

"Look what you've done, 'Drew'. I'm blaming all this on you." Zander sarcastically says crossing his arms in anger.

"Ohhh, me now is it? My fault that you fucking threw yourself onto me?" I reply getting more annoyed by the second.

I'm glaring straight ahead of me whilst frowning. Zander is beside me his face full of fury. Were still walking down the corridor towards the office.

"Yes. It was all your fucking fault. Should of kept your mouth fucking shut about my sister." He shouts.

I violently stop "Fuck you and your sister and your whole family, " I point my finger in his face. "How the hell am I supposed to hide this bruise on my jaw huh? I'm screwed." At this point I dont care if we even get to the headteachers office.

I just need to get things clear with him.

He stops and faces me pointing at his face.
"Oh yeah? Well what about my bruised eye?!" He yells.

I stared confused at first, but then I looked over to his eye.

Oh shit, it was pretty bad. I don't know how I didn't notice it before, but I wasn't going to say anything was I?

It was bright red with purple starting to show through and its swollen bad.

We start walking again. But this time in complete silent, both in our thoughts of our own.

We eventually got to the door, I lift my hand about to turn the handle, but I hesitate dreading to know the consequences.

"Hurry up already!" The purple haired guy says in frustration. I turn the handle and open the door wide, only to meet with the headteacher standing right infront of us in rage.

We go inside both of our heads tilting downwards.

"Where do I even begin. I am very disappointed in the both of you! Your teacher has already emailed what you both did, so spare yourself saying what happened," she shouts.

"We had to put people together with similar abilities. I thought you were both mature enough to-" she sighs defeatedly. She looks at the both of us. She puts her face into her her hands and holds her nose bridge.

"Go get yourself cleaned up at the nurse or something. Then we can talk about the consequences later." She waves her hand to go.

And with that, we were in the corridors again in silence. We walked into the bathroom.

I check myself in the mirror. There was a huge bruise on my lower right cheek with dried blood under my nose and a random cut round the corner of my lips.

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