6- Shattering Connections

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Drew's POV-

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Drew's POV-

I feel like a knife just stabbed me in my heart, as I open another file. It was Zoe kissing multiple of guys. I feel my eyes sting. "You alright?" "Mhm" I hum in response clearly not ok. I sniffle a little. I know I might've not like Zoe so much. To be honest, I only think I dated her just to show that I'm straight. So what.

She used me for money and cheated on me. I thought- well I thought wrong. "I'm going to end things with her." I whispered. "Good choice." Jake squeezed my shoulder showing support and then moved back. As I texted Zoe 'I'm ending things with you.'

Low I know.

"Hello class... Sorry I was a bit late." The fucking cover teacher -Mr O'Sullivant- talks as I start shivering. Jake turns to me "Drew?" He whispers. "The names Mr O'Sullivant and if you talk or anything when not supposed to that will be a consequence and will have to be taken separately for a chat.... After class." The teacher announce. Fucking bullshit. Jake must of not heard it as he was still turned to me and not the front. "I'm talking to YOU young man!" As he glares at Jake. "What's your name." He snarls. "Uhh- Jake." Jake answers and gulps. I have my hand covered over my face, so that the teacher wont notice me.

So far so good.

"Jake. This will be your final warning." Mr. O'Sullivant says with an angered expression. He turns and walks back to the front. "I absolutely fucking hate him." I whisper to Jake. "I can see why." He chuckles trying not to move his mouth too much. I sigh "It's not just that."

Jake looks at me from the side. "What do you mean?" He asks concerned covering his mouth. The teacher is talking but keeping an eye on us. I stay silent avoiding eye contact with the teacher at all times. "Alright class. Continue with the work from last lesson. I'll be walking around." He grins staring right at me. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I mutter under my breath looking down at my art book. I made eye contact. I made fucking eye contact!

"Drew. I thought it was you. We have a serious chat to talk about from last lesson." Mr. O'Sullivant walks behind the two of us placing his hand on my shoulder. My muscle tense as I want to push him away. I feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. I look to my side to face Jake with pleading eyes. I hope he'll get it. His hand is still on my shoulder and caressing it.

But Jake is looking down, my voice slightly trembles "What is it? Sir." I question him with that Jake looks up slightly.



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Jake's POV-

Since we came into class Drew had been acting weird. Actually, no before this lesson too with Mr. O'Sullivant? I think. He always said he hated him. But I didn't think much of because who likes teachers in the first place. Y'know. But now thinking about it this man is quite sketchy I heard some rumours about him before. But they were just rumours, so I thought nothing of it.

Drew curses under his breath.

"Drew. I thought it was you. We have a serious chat to talk about from last lesson."
Mr. O'Sullivant walks behind us.
I wonder what Drew did. I was quite surprised that Drew would do anything 'bad' he's the type of person that doesn't want to get on the bad side of someone.

I look down pretending that I'm concentrating on my task. But I feel Drew's gaze. However, I don't dare to look up. I can still feel the teachers presence from beside me.

Then I hear Drew's voice tremble "What is it? Sir."

I could tell he was scared not even a bit scared but frightened. I could tell when he was scared I was bestfriends with him since forever. I could tell everything about him if I had to. Sure, he was stubborn and didnt often show feelings, but I knew what he felt. He opened up to me, but lately it's like hes hiding something.

I looked at him who now is facing the teacher. I notice Mr. O'Sullivant gripping onto his shoulder and caressing it. I see Drew's glossy eyes and frightened expression that's something not ok. "You Drew have been a very naught boy~ Not doing your homework like I asked you too." He whispers into his ear trying to be flirty. Only the 3 of us could hear what was happening back here. I was disgusted. I couldnt believe what Drew was going through.

I can see Drew's hand clenching hard onto his jeans. He was facing forwards listening to the words of a pedo being spilt into his ear. The hand from his shoulder slightly went up to his face.

I placed my hand onto Drew's fist under the table, as I saw his lip tremble and tilting his head forward. Trying to comfort him as much as possible. Just as the teacher says his final words "Stay after class. We need to have talk." He smirks, as he walks away.

"Drew? Why didn't you tell me or anyone that this was happening?" I ask with concern and worry still holding onto his hand firmly under the table.
Drew released a shaky breath before a tear fell down his cheek.

This was the first time I've seen Drew this sca- I get cut off to him clinging onto me tightly.

"P-please help me. I dont want to be left with him... please." He sobs. I hug him "I wont leave you alone with that creep. I promise. Well make him suffer and tell the headteacher (or principle)."

I can feel my shirt get a bit wet but I don't care. Everyone's looking down, so their not seeing Drew in this state. Good I suppose.

Drew parts away as he sits awkwardly on his chair looking down. Wiping his face with his sleeves, as if he was embarrassed. "Drew, theres nothing to be ashamed off. Crying is good for you." I softly say patting his knee.

My heart shatters seeing him so helpless. You know what. Fuck it. I grab his hand and pull him up. "W-what are you doing?" he hisses in a scared tone. "Leaving this fucking classroom." I whisper.

"And where do you think you two are going?!" Mr O'Sullivant yells charging at us and blocking the door way. "Outside." I say strongly and not showing fear. I can see his eyes looking Drew up and down and smirking wilst biting his lips.

A fucking 45 year old creep checking out a 16 year old. "Your a creep, a pedo." I hiss staring at him with disgust.

"What did you just call me?" The cover yells. "You heard me." I try walking past still holding onto Drew's hand tightly. "Dont come back to this class. This is the warning gone and a consequence." He states angrily slamming the door behind us.

I look at Drew with a soft smile, but his eyes are hiding pain I can see it. He throws himself into a hug. I'm surprised because he never usually hugs out of his own will.

I wrap my hands around him. "Thank you Jake. For speaking up for me." He mumbles. "That's why I'm here." I feel myself blush at his comment.

Hes a bit shorter, so I put my chin ontop of his head and we stay like that for a minute or two. Before heading to the head teachers office.

As we walk down I can see out of the corner my eye Drew staring at his feet. "You ok?" I ask.

"I'm fine."

We both arrive at the office and knock on the door. Both of us not expecting a quick response. "Come in."

A/N: I think im going to continue with Jakes Pov in the next chapter.

Any improvements?

Thank you

- Lemon <3

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