29. The Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Jake's POV-

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Jake's POV-

But if Drew's father is here doesn't that mean that Drew should be somewhere in the forest too? I hope he's safe. Maybe he ran with the others...

What if he didn't.

I slowly stood up and glared at the body, as I did so. He deserves it

Someone had shot him after everyone had ran. And the little girl had sacrificed herself to buy time for them. She used her life for the sake of others. But the someone, who had to shoot, wouldn't know where the crowd went. For all we know he might've ran the other direction.

I pulled out my radio. "This is Officer Sterling speaking. A crowd of missing people are going to the west end of the forest that I'm in. Gather them and take them to safety." They might get here in fifteen maybe twenty minutes. I turn to Mason. "Help out Casey and the woman get to the outside of the forest. The other cops should be there along with the missing people." I tell him gently. "And where are you going?" "I'll just check around if anymore people are lying around, which would take around a minute or so. Then I'll catch up with you guys." "You sure?" He squints his eyes as he looks at me. I look straight back into his eyes with a stern expression. "Positive."

He nods. "Stay safe and I'll see you in a few." He turns around and goes towards Casey. Which he puts his hand on her back. She turns around with a small, painful smile. She was crouched over the two. Two? Why is Charlie lying down? Casey stands up and hugs Mason tightly. She's not smiling anymore and a single tear falls down her check onto the grass.

 She's not smiling anymore and a single tear falls down her check onto the grass

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Mason's POV-

I got told by Jake to help out Casey and Charlie get to a safe space, which is outside the forest where other officers and ambulances will be there.

I did as he told and I was walking up to Casey. She was crouched down. I placed my hand on her back and she tensed slightly before looking at me. She had a pained expression, but a small smile was on her lips trying to mask the devastation that she felt. I looked at what she was looking at. It was the little girl and Charlie lying on the floor. Both at peace, now. The mother covered in her daughter's blood.

Casey stood up and hugged me tightly and I felt my shirt starting to become soaked. "She died from the grief she felt. She was purely heartbroken." She mumbled into my shoulder. I hugged her tightly back. My hand brushing the back of her head. Trying to comfort her. "Come one let's get out of the danger here." I say still stroking her hair and se nods.

During the day, we will take photos of the crime scene and evaluate them from there.

During the day, we will take photos of the crime scene and evaluate them from there

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Jake's POV-

I turn on the other torch that I had in my pocket. I glance around quickly with the light to see any general abnormalities. Nothing. I decided to go a bit deeper in the direction where Drew's father was running away from. I was looking down on the ground, each side, even up in the trees.

However, something did catch my eye. It was blood on the ground. No doubt from the man. In the grass there were slip skids, where he probably fell the first time. I carried on for a bit. My light was more focused on the ground then to sides and in front. Which was probably a bad idea.

As I saw a silhouette in front of me.

It was standing either facing me or away with its back facing me instead. It was slouching and was swaying side to side slightly.

In the distance the sirens started ringing and were coming closer to the destination.

I brought the light up. It wasn't just 'something' but more of a someone.

Their jeans ripped, mud and grass stains on them. Their shirt had splattered blood on it, which I instantly looked at their hand. There was the gun... Finally, I saw their face covered in blood probably being some of theirs and some of the other man's. Cuts and bruises across his cheeks. His hair falling on to his face.

The one colour that I will never forget in someone's hair...


His pupils were wide even in the bright light. His pale skin and looking fatigue; swaying side to side.

"Drew?" I breathed out.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

However, Drew did not respond. His emotionless expression remained static, until his jaw started to tremble slightly. His hand immediately unclasped, the gun falling to the ground. He was breathing fast. His expression now of a shocked one. He looked like his legs were going to give way and he looked faint, as if he was going to pass out. "Ja-" he breathed out his final words. He started to fall to the side.

I immediately ran to his side. Catching him as he fell. His breathing was shallow. And his wounds were deep and fresh. Blood splattered everywhere on him. I fell with him and he laid there on my lap. I was hugging him with a little distance, so I wouldn't hurt him any more.

I felt tears forming in my eyes.

I did it. I found him.

The sirens became louder and some shouts and yells were heard. The light shone on where I was kneeling. "Over here!" Someone calls out. I look over and it was the paramedics and other officers. I stood up with my arm over Drew's shoulder lifting him upright onto his feet. I started to walk over to the paramedics. They instantly took him onto the board.

They walked with him,out and I followed.

A/N: I was competing in a writing competition. And out of the whole Uk my mini Saga is being published with a few others. I'm quite excited to see how to book turns out.

This book however isn't done just yet.

So, how did we enjoy this chapter?

Any improvements?

-Lemon <3

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