I never knew turtlenecks could be so attractive until I saw this woman wear one.

"You're staring again Lilith." She interrupts.

"I can't help it that you're so beautiful."

She blushes instantly at my remark without my eyes leaving her expression.
"Enough looking at me, eat your food before we have to go." She smiles to herself.

Rolling my eyes, I return to eating my food quickly scarfing down the remaining eggs.

"Someone's in a rush this morning." Scarlett chuckles softly.

"Well, you've been teasing be about how special today is going to be for the last twenty-four hours and now you expect me not to be in a hurry to find out what it is we are doing?"

Abruptly standing from her seat, Scarlet makes her way around the table and extends her hand out to me to help me from my seat.

"Wait what about breakfast?" I question.

"We will have breakfast again tomorrow darling, let's just enjoy today."

It didn't take much convincing as I took her hand and we both headed out the front doors into the front of the manor.

Scarlett's car was waiting outside, and my jaw immediately parted some seeing a gorgeous navy-blue sport car parked out front.

"Holy shit... Is that yours?!" I nearly yelp.

I couldn't even take my eyes off its beautiful color and flashy body.

"Yes, darling its mine." She laughs a little.

I should've known better considering she owns this whole property and half of Seattle.

"What kind of car is it?"

Scarlett helps me in the passenger side door while holding my hand. My eyes scan over the tan leather interior seats in pure awe.

"Its an Audi R8, nothing too special but I thought you might like this one." I felt her wink, closing the door.

And you were right.

She steps in starting the car and I felt her smirking from beside me.

"Do I get to know now where we are going?" I sigh.

My body leans back into the seats as Scarlett drives us put of the property limits, heading us out onto the main road.

"I'm taking you to my favorite part town. My parents took me all the time when I was younger for shopping and sight-seeing until I was old enough to drive myself any time I wanted." She remarks.


We pull up on a small town like street with little cute shops and cafes lining each corner. It was so much calmer and quite compared to the streets in Seattle or New York.

Couples and families walked in and out of different shops, smiling happily as if this was their own little world that no one even knew about.

We parked up on a side street before Scarlett and I stepped out onto the sidewalk, in front of a few different shops.

I felt her fingers grasp into my hand as she made her way to my side and intertwined them.

"There's no need to be secretive here." She whispers to me.

I felt my skin melt itself into her touch and words ever so softly with feeling peace in knowing we were safe to do and say whatever without publicity on our backs.

"There's one shop in particular around here I want you to see before we go anywhere else. It should be just that one up ahead if I'm not mistaken." She points.

Glancing over to where her finger directs to, there's a cute conner store with books lined in the front window.

"A bookstore?!" I jump around in exactment.

"Not just any bookstore, one of the bed bookstores in all of England in my personal opinion. It has everything you could ever want in there from poetry, Shakespeare, or even modern-day literature." She states as we walk down to the store.

Ever since I was little, I've always had such a special connection with literature of any kind, and I always wanted to go to a bookstore just like this.

"Wait how did you know I loved books this much?"

I don't recall ever telling Scarlett or anyone really about my love for literature.

"You carried a book with you every day to work, each week a new one so I only assumed you dabbled in the subject."

She smiles at me some and my grip around her hand tightens some feeling just the thought of Scarlett noticing such little things about me.

Inside it smelled like old books and vanilla as people sat quietly in conners reading, or sipping tea with peace.

"Anything in particular you are interested in?" She smiles, still holding my hand in hers.

I could hardly believe what was happening. I was in the most stunning book shop I've ever seen with my drop-dead gorgeous boss who also happened to be the women I had deep feelings for.

"I've really enjoyed Jane Austen lately I suppose. I grin, feeling myself lean up closer to Scarlett.

She plants a small light kiss onto my forehead.

"Well let's find you some dear..." 

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