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Third person. (General)

He watched her name flash on his phone not once, but twice, and he ignored it each time. He knew that he was being an asshole, it wasn't her fault that someone approached her, he blamed Robert first for letting her wander on her own.

Maryaam had no idea how beautiful she was, that obliviousness only made her more dangerous. Everyone Tom, dick and Harry was always ogling her Every. Damn. Time.

It pissed him off, like nothing ever had. But what actually pissed him off the most, was why he was felling so affected. Despite her being his wife, he had no feelings for her, so why did he want to punch that man's face in and then claim her so throughly that she knew she belonged only to him?

Why did he feel this level of possession for her?

His phone pinged, indicating a message. It was her, the girl who had been unable to escape his thoughts for the past few weeks.

Maryaam; I want to go see Jalaal at the hospital, and also braid my hair at Abbie's house please.

He read the message and ignored it, she was going to go either ways, she was informing him so he didn't really need to reply.

General held his head in his hands, he was overreacting, he was being way too extreme. Maryaam did not deserve this attitude from him when she had done absolutely nothing wrong, knowing her, she was probably trying to figure out what she did to him at the moment.

He decided that he would stop being unfair and talk to her.

"General, they are here." His secretary peeped into the office to inform him, so he got up and headed for his meeting.


That night, he'd stopped by at daddy's house where he'd eaten dinner with him as they discussed the details of daddy's retirement.

Daddy was going to call over Generals cousin Adnaan who currently lived in UAE where he'd completed his masters in business administration after pursing a degree in civil engineering, to come and act as the CEO of the company.

He made sure to send maryaam a message so she wouldn't cook dinner for him.

When they'd rounded up, he'd gone home and straight up to their room to freshen up. His plan was to look for his wife afterwards, but that plan was severed when he walked in to a dark room.

Maryaams scent filled up the room so he knew she was there, he'd taken his hands to the light switch to turn it on when he heard her squeak,

"Don't turn on the lights, please."

His brows furrowed, "Maryaam? Why?"

She ignored his question and pleaded with him, "please?"

"Speak up, what happened?" He asked again, when she still said nothing, General flicked the lights on and shut the room door.

He almost staggered back when he caught view of her, she was dressed in an extremely provocative dress, atop it she wore a sheer robe that did nothing to cover her up.

Her head remained downcast in exasperation and embarrassment, what had she done?

General walked further into the room and stood directly above her, she quickly got up as a defense mechanism.

He noticed then that her hair was braided neatly, red henna adorned her skin, a beautiful contrast to the color of her skin. Her face and her chest glowed so bright in that moment that he could swear he had never seen anything brighter.

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