Meant to be.

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It was the following night after dinner when Abbie gathered his family in the living room. Everyone excluding the twins, Ya aisha and Ayaan were present.

He made small talk with them for nearly an hour, Ya ummi told them all about a recent project she'd gotten to decorate a house overseas, the whole family was happy for her.

Next, it was Zara's turn to tell them how her final exams were next month.. they all prayed for her.

Madinah was skipped. Abbie asked her what she'd been up to, she only passed him a small smile before Basma butted in and cut off any words she might've had in mind, complaining-as usual- about her school.

Maama sarah and Abbie patiently listened to everyone while Mimi only clicked on her phone the whole time.

Finally Abbie spoke up, "I gathered you all here tonight to share something very important, and get your individual opinions."

They all looked at each other quizzically, trying to figure out what it was that required only the women in the family to be present.

"A marriage proposal came."

Maama sarah was the first to speak up, "For who?"

"That is why we're all gathered here dear, alhamdulillah the person only wanted a girl from this house. My first thought was Hauwa'u ummi seeing as she is the next in line in terms of age, but in the end it's up to you all."

Ya ummi was quick to speak up, "Abbie I am at the peak of my career, I have no wish to marry right now. Especially not an arranged marriage to someone I do not know."

"Hauwau aure ba ya hana aiki." (Marriage does not stop you from working.) Abbie tried to reason. When she still did not look convinced, he looked to her mother.

"If she says she is not ready then let's not push her Dr. In Rabo ne zata samu." (If it's meant for her, it will find her).

Abbie simply nods, agreeing with his wife. He had no intention of forcing any of his daughters to get married against their wish, he was not tired of them after all.

"Dr., Basma should not even be here, she is only a child." Everyone silently agreed to that.

Now it was down to Zara and Madinah.

"Abbie I am technically still a student, I honestly don't think now is the right time." That came from Zara.

"Yes and you know how her field of study is." Maama sarah added.

Madinah looked at all of them in disbelief. Each person spoke up for their child, she looked at the empty space next to her..

She had no mother to speak up for her, to defend her and choose whatever was in her best interest.

"Madinah is the only person who has nothing doing at the moment, she will be perfect." The little devils mother says in glee. It had always infuriated her how the twins- madinah and Ayaan- were so obviously Abbies favorites.

Ayaan was never around anymore so all of his love and painfully obvious favoritism always went to madinah.

"You have all made your choices so I do not need your opinion in this." Abbie admonished.

"Madinah my dear, come sit here." He patted the space next to him. She walked there meekly and settled down.

"Tell me if you're okay with this, and don't lie to me. Ban gaji da keh ba, therefore I would never force you into something you don't want. But I know this boy and I have known their family for quite a while, quite frankly I could not have chosen better myself." (I'm not tired of you.)

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