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Third person.

Adeels knock on the door by five am woke madinah up, as usual. But today when she told him to come in he actually did. Even when she performed her ablution and came back to the room he was still there. So she laid two mats and they prayed together and said their adhkar.

Adeel was getting a mosque constructed, but it was yet to be done which was why he decided to pray with Madinah, but she didn't know that.

He left once they were done and she went back to bed.

It was now two hours later and she was wide awake, since they were no longer at the family house, there was no free breakfast for them. In other words, her rest days are over.

Madinah dragged herself to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, then rinsed her face with cold water. She dragged her feet in search of the kitchen and looked through the pantry, there was basically everything already.

She noticed from when they were back at the family house that Adeel preferred the savory breakfast and never ate any of the sweet ones, so she boiled and roasted some herb potatoes in the oven, and paired it with stir fried vegetables and eggs. She fried some plantain as well and then prepared some Chai, the type he took the first day he came to the house.

She was done over an hour later but he was not down yet so she decided to take that as a chance to explore her new house. The kitchen she was currently in was huge, very similar to the one at maamas house but not quite as large. It had grey cabinets and marble countertops, and every single electronic she could think to need. There was also a sliding glass door that out looked a pool.

With some of the food flasks in hand, she stepped into the door she assumed to be the dining room, and she was right. It was wide, not too big but definitely not small. The table was enough to sit ten people, she appreciated that incase they were to host people for dinner. She arranged the food she'd prepared and set the table, then walked out to the living room.

Her living room was white! And contrary to how most people would feel, Madinah loved it. She was a clean freak and it was the easiest way to tell dirt, her couches were beige. Curtains off-white, floor and ceiling were white with a big chandelier hanging right in the middle, a wide television and accessories here and there which included very stunning and unique paintings that brought the look together. Ya Ummi really outdid herself.

Madinah drew the curtains of the living room open and walked further into the house. There
was one guest room downstairs, decorated with neutral tones.

Upstairs, there were two separate corridors, one to the left and the other to the right and a living room in the middle. The one to the right was where her room was, she decided to explore that first. The room opposite hers was a study/game room, she did not take Adeel to be a gaming guy so maybe they were just put as accessories. The books though she was sure were for her. There was a stack of papers and other stuff she realized were for her work, it made her very happy.

She stepped out of the room and checked the door next to her room, it was another room. The color theme was teal, though it was very minimal. It had an ensuite, as did every room in the house and it was simply stunning. The last door on her side of the corridor was empty, she did not know why but she did not ponder on it. Maybe he wanted to do something with it.

Madinah did not dare try to explore Adeels side though, she was not sure which was his room and she was not willing to take any chances. His side of the corridor only had three doors from what she could see so she did not think it was even necessary to check.

She went back to her room and pulled a long hijab over her silk long sleeved blouse and long bottoms set, and then walked downstairs and outside.

Her jaw dropped, the inside of the house was beautiful but the outside was a work of art. It was wide, it occupied over 500 sq meters of land. It also had a garden, a few vases adorned the garden with seeds in them that had not been planted yet. There was two different love seats, and a hut.

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