Muhammad Aadil; the little boy.

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Sixteen years ago.


"Ami i don't wanna go, jalaal and I have got a tournament tomorrow." The teenage boy whined, a light British accent coating his words

The middle aged woman with skin as smooth as honey rolled her eyes, "You are going to have thousands of tournaments for the rest of your life, but right now, daddy needs our support."

She continued to pack up her handbag in a rush seeing as the convoy was only waiting for them.

Muhammad Aadil rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, his action mimicking his mothers. She smiled and trailed after him. Ever stubborn was her son, but still, being her one and only, she loved him earnestly.

They sat in the Jeep, waiting for her husband and his father for a few minutes before he appeared by her door, "Darling, i am sorry. His excellency just called me for an emergency meeting. But since we're already being expected, you just go ahead, i will be there by tonight in sha Allah." He placed a soft, loving kiss to her head.

"Alright, that is fine. I will give your regards to baby Aaliyah and her mother. Allah hafiz." She smiled at her husband as he walked to the side of the door where Muhammad Aadil was sat so he could wish him goodbye as well.

Aaliyah was his daughter from his second wife, adorable at just age two. Her and her mother lived in kaduna.

When he first married Fadila (Ami), they lived in England. Ami was a professor with a very good job she absolutely adored, so when her husband decided to come back to pursue a career in politics, she didn't go with him. He needed a wife for a First Lady, so he got remarried to maama, Aaliyah's mother, who also happened to be a second cousin. He and his dearest friend ran, and won. Coming out as the president and the vice president of the federal republic of Nigeria.

It was years later when Muhammad Aadil was ten and was just about starting junior highschool that Ami decided to move back to Nigeria.

Their journey began, Ami read the Quran while Aadil drifted to sleep, bored of playing his video games on his cell. Soon after, when they were less than thirty minutes close to their destination, Ami closed the Quran and tucked it into her purse. She leaned on her sons shoulder and shut her eyes in an attempt to get some rest.

Her attempts were futile because they woke up a few minutes later to the sound of gunshots and catastrophe.

"Aminu what is happening?" Ami asked the driver who was scared shitless, the guard in the front seat had gotten down to examine the situation and was shot right in the chest.

They had two cars filled with security infront of them, and one behind them. The one behind them had gone to the front, giving Aminu an opportunity to reverse the car and drive away. Instead, his tires were shot and they had no escape now, most of their security had already been compromised.

"Hajiya i don't know. Bandits, terrorists, i have no idea." Fright filled his insides, he wasn't a guard, he was only a driver. Not trained for combat or situations like this.

"La ilaha ilallah, muhammadar rasulallah." Whispers of the shahada started from both aminu and Ami as they were faced with the situation at hand.

Aadil almost peed himself in fright, he was frozen in his seat as he watched his mother, the most fearless person he has ever known worried to bits, he tried to speak, to assure her, but he needed more assurance than any of them. Ami stretched out her hand and squeezed his tightly,

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