The art of miscommunication.

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General Muhammad Adeel.

Fury was a feeling he was well acquainted with, he has felt it in abundance all of his life.

Yet, the fury the 5'6 doe eyed girl has brought to him in this past few months have been unparalleled. Previously, it was unconscious, now it was painfully premeditated.

The fact that he couldn't do a single thing about it pissed him off even further, the fact that he had to be patient and tread carefully, he hated that concept.

"I want him gone." Adnaan might have a higher rank than he does at daddy's company, but Generals words came out as an order, which was exactly how he meant them to.

Adnaan scratched his stubble, finding it in him to be serious this time around, "That would be very complicated, General. I looked into him, he has been working here for over seven years, just got his promotion a few months ago, stellar record with not a single flaw. It'd be even easier to dismiss your wife, He could sue."

The facts came out bitterly but they were still facts. They could not be unprofessional and quite frankly, what he did was not cause for a dismissal, not even close.

"Have him transferred then. I don't care for the details, but I want him gone."

Adnaan sighed and came to a decision, Josh could be transferred to a different branch and perhaps given a slight promotion, one he didn't deserve but was going to get nonetheless because General was too far up his own ass to admit the feelings he has for his wife and get it all over with.

He taunted him and pressed where it hurt, "Riddle me this, General, do you think the root problem might be that your wife is trying to infuriate you?"

"Don't talk about her." Adeels answer came as a reflex. He knew Adnaans level of mischief, he probably had something up his sleeves, and the topic was far too sensitive.

General had for the first time in his life come into the office for a whole week consecutively, he was not ashamed to say that he only came so he could so much as get a glance at maryaam since she refused to see him at her home. The things she was making him do were insane,

He was no longer bothered about it though, he had come to terms with it. The only problem was that he was late, because now there is a larger problem threatening to disrupt anything they might've built, and he had no idea where to start from. All General knew for sure was that he wanted maryaam to be by his side no matter what.

"Atleast im only talking about her." Adnaan chuckled, and then rolled his eyes when he realized he made an expensive joke, if General scorching glare was any indication.

"I am sorry, harmless joke."

"Careful what jokes you make.. be especially careful with jokes that include my wife." He got up, deciding that he'd had enough of everything today.

General had to physically stop himself from going up to maryaams office, and before then, her said supervisors. Violent images filled his head, it was embarrassing how strongly he felt the urge to mutilate the man's hand.

Instead, he made a detour to his car, "Sir, your father just called, he hasn't been able to reach you." Robert informed him as he opened the door,

General took the keys from him, "Go in the other car." He ignored what robert said as he pulled the door closed,

With a sigh and little mutters of duas to honestly prepare himself, he switched on his phone, receiving countless notifications he didn't bother checking.

He hasn't been in contact with his family for the exact number of days maryaam has not been at home, they put him in an extremely tight spot and he needed a lot of time to fathom it.

UNFURLING FATE.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang