Conveyance 2.0

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Third person (briefly)

Ayaan walked with daddy to the mosque in the estaate, they made small talk on the way.

Daddy had always been a friend of Abbie's so Ayaan was quite familiar with him, that was also how he knew Adeel. But he had never shared anything beyond greeting with him.

Once they got to the mosque, they performed ablution at a place where the Muslim guards and security personnel did as well. Daddy's humility dumbfounded him, but he was glad this was the family his sister was marrying into.

True to daddy's words, Adeel was indeed in the mosque. He was leading the prayer tonight. He mostly led Maghreb and ishaa whenever he was around so it was nothing new.

They all prayed and stayed back to say some adhkar before walking out of the mosque together, all three of them.

Ayaan and General shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, then walked side by side back to the house. The former did not leave yet because he had one very important thing he needed to do. And he got the opportunity once they got back to the house and daddy went to go check on the girls, but not before telling Adeel,

"I have the clothes you are to wear for the pictures in the room you use in this building," Adeel did not answer him as he walked out. Daddy was practically forcing him to take the pictures because he refused to go to madinahs house earlier. He had never sat before a camera and let it take pictures of him, and it sounded way too juvenile for his liking.

Both of them settled on opposite chairs and Ayaan broke the silence. "I have been wanting to speak to you since i heard about the marriage, there is probably no better time than right now." He starts, Adeel dropped the news paper he'd picked up from the center table beside him and gave his attention to Ayaan. Mostly intrigued at the tone he used. Asides his very close friends, most people were too intimidated to even speak to him, and he was okay with that.

"We both know the circumstances under which this marriage was formed, but I want to put that aside for now. You may not know this but both madinah and I are orphans, we lost our mother years back. I'm not telling you that to gain your pity, but just to let you know.. before my mother passed, she handed madinah to me as an Amanah. To the best of my ability, i handled that amanah, but now I have to pass it on to you. Because whether or not I am happy about it, you are undoubtedly going to be the closest person to her from now on.

I have never let my sister for one second feel like an orphan or feel the absence of our mother, now that I cannot do so as much anymore. My only request of you, though I know it is a lot to ask, is to take care of her as if my mother handed her to you and not to me on her deathbed.. and if you cannot do so, return her to me so I will continue to do it as I have done for years.." Ayaan paused. His courage almost left adeel speechless. Not even daddy had spoken to him in such a way before. Ayaan had not said anything wrong, neither was he being rude, but the tone in which he spoke almost sounded like a threat. An ultimatum.

Adeel reminded himself that he would probably do worse to whoever it is that would have the misfortune of getting married to either of his sisters, so he faced Ayaan and told him in all honesty, "I do not have any intention of bringing any harm to your sister, and InshaAllah i will not. Not only are you entrusting her to me, but Allah has also entrusted her to me, and I will carry out the promise I made to your father when I married her, to the best of my ability."

His words strangely calmed the twin down, but Ayaan was not done, "there is one specific thing i would like to tell you, i don't know how much you will be at home due to the line of your work, but please pay special attention to her eating habits. She has horrible eating habits." He added the last part because he knew it was not his place to say what the actual problem was.

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