The storm.

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1st April.

I walked into my home with the heavy realization that it'll be just me for a while. It was just past Maghreb and according to susan, her boss told her to make sure I was home before Isha everyday. How audacious of him considering he left me alone.

I went to my room and took a shower, prayed and sat down in my bed. Ammal and zara informed me that they'd be here tomorrow, so I called Ayaan and spoke to him for a while,

Once that call ended, I simply stared into space. The silence was actually eating me up, knowing I was basically alone, even the help were in a separate quarters. I should have offered to stay at daddy's house, atleast there I wouldn't be alone,

My ringtone cut off my train of thoughts, it was General calling me, excitement bubbled inside of me as I picked up the call,

"Assalamu alaikum." His voice sounded as good as ever, a bit tired though,

"Wa'alaikum assalam, ina wuni." I greeted him shyly remembering how I'd cried my eyes out to him earlier today,

"Maryaam, have you eaten?" Ofcourse that would be his first question to me,

"Yes.Ya gajiya?" (How is the jet lag *or something like that lol*)

"Alhamdulillah. I want you to eat three square meals daily."

"Okay.." I said slowly,

"Not okay, promise me."

"I promise." I told him, now I was tied. I have actually gained a lot of weight being married to this man and he actually wanna make me gain more?

"What room are you in?"

"Yours." It smelt like him, I needed the scent of someone else to be able to sleep peacefully tonight.

"Open my bed side drawer and bring out my wallet. There's a blue paper with some codes on it, send me a picture of it." I did as he said and brought out the wallet, putting the phone on speaker and dropping it on the bed,

The moment I opened the wallet, my movements halted. Two photographs were stuck of the side of it, two ladies. One of them looked a lot older, incredibly beautiful, a stark resemblance to my husband and Laila's mother aunty dee. He had her nose and eyebrows, the little beauty mark by the side of his nose also matched hers exactly.

It was definitely his mother. The other lady though, looked nothing like either of them. She was beautiful too, with very sharp features that were as close to perfect as I have ever seen.

She was prettier than Laila, that is saying alot. But who was she? More importantly why is she in generals wallet? Not even Alisha who I believed he loved the most, but her.

When it comes to my brothers heart, it's really not Laila you have to worry about.

Oh my God, is she the girl Aaliyah was talking about?

"Hello? Are you there?" His voice broke me out of my reverie,

I picked up the phone with shaky hands, "Y-yes. Let me send the picture."

I took the picture of the paper and sent it to him, still utterly confused and numb.

"Who is coming to stay with you?" He asked me after id sent the picture.

"My sister and friend."

"Okay, goodnight. Take care of yourself." And the call cut.

I was in so much shock, I simply couldn't comprehend it. So there's someone that means so much to General that he'd want to carry her alongside his mother everyday? Surely I would have heard of her if she was family..

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