Bauchi state.

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Third person.

The couple landed in Bauchi state a few minutes to six pm. To outsiders they seemed like the picture perfect couple, a beautiful girl, an attractive man and an army of guards surrounding them.

Madinahs Chanel classic jumbo flap bag was all that hung on her arms as her scarf threatened to fall off her neatly packed ponytail adorned head. General stood next to her in a black kaftan that looked as if it was sown to perfection on him, his eyes adorned with shades. They say the eyes framed your face, yet even with no view of his eyes it was quite obvious how attractive he was.

The aura that surrounded the both of them was a mixture of masculine and feminine, the scent radiating off them consisted of many various notes, the one in common being jasmine.

From the outside they looked perfect. Like there could never be a better match to grace the earth, you could see nothing of how distanced they were, nothing of how their marriage was just for the outside world, nothing of how they were both only two broken souls unwilling to be fixed.

A convoy of black cars were arranged horizontally before them, over twenty soldiers stood horizontally as well. As they approached them, their hands came up to a salute as they stump their feet in attention.

Madinahs mouth hung agape, she knew who her husband was, but this was the first time she was experiencing a fraction of it up close. Asides his work calls, she'd never seen him in his work zone. Her mind couldn't help but drift to an image of him in khaki, shamelessly, she wished in her mind to see it in real life but voiced none of it out.

Generals face set in a deep frown as he stopped infront of the men and convoy, "Robert."

Robert who stood behind him took two steps forward, "yes sir."

"What did I tell you about these dramatics?" He asked referring to the convoy, he knew the men had nothing to do with Robert. He was here for work and thus they were required to be there to receive him, but they certainly did not need to bring so many cars.

"I did not arrange this General, the president sent them."

Adeels frown loosened at the mention of the president, Daddy's dearest friend and his Godfather.The current president was once president, many years before, he'd served for four years and stepped down from his second term, until three years ago when he re-ran and won. Daddy himself once worked under him as the vice president in his first tenure, over fifteen long years ago.

He dismissed the soldiers and took the key to the Mercedes Benz AMG EQE. He opened the car for madinah who got inside, locked the door and rounded back to the drivers seat.

Adeel drove fast, she reaffirmed it in that moment. His phone rang, "connect it to the car." He passed the phone to her, she did so as quickly as possible and then called the person back as per his orders.

"Assalamu alaikum warahmatul lahi wa barakatuh." A manly, somewhat elderly voice greeted.

"Wa'alaikum assalam, ina wuni Baaba."

"Muhammad Adeel. I trust your flight went smoothly?"

"Yes baaba."

She continued to listen to their conversation with keen interest, trying to figure out who it was he was calling Baaba.

"What did I just hear about you ditching the convoy I had particularly sent for you?" She realized then that he was talking to the president of Nigeria, the man Robert had said sent the cars.

"Ayi man hakuri Baaba." General gave his half hearted apology.

"I know you do not fancy extravagance or attention, so you are forgiven. But that was for your safety."

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