Reality check.

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(A/n; are we ready girlies?? Let's go.)


Adeels head hurt as he went from meeting to meeting. Now that the details were sort over and they had the go ahead from the C-IN-C, it was all hands on deck.

The entire building reeked of incompetence as they struggled to meet the deadline he gave, but if anyone valued their job, they would do it.

"Sir I have just received confirmation from the Air Force, everything will be ready by then."

"The weaponry?" He signed the file he was passed and took the next one,

"Still working through it,"

"Do it and get back to me." General dismissed him.

His secretary brought forth the third cup of coffee today and put him through where they'd stopped thus far, the pace at which they were progressing was humiliating, it pissed him off.

Generals eyes dismissed the man before he even spoke a word. Time likes this, he would pray and pray and pray. It was all that could be done and so it was all that was done, he faced the qibla where a permanent prayer mat was laid and prayed some nawafills,

Once his prayer was concluded, he sat behind the desk and read through more war strategies and notes,

Generals concentration was interrupted by Jalaal who'd barged in without so much as a knock,

He spoke without looking up, "If it's not work you're here for, lay it to rest, I have no time or energy for any of your madness."

Jalaal rolled his eyes and took a seat, "Calm your horses General, have you been on social media at all today?"

His next words reeked of sarcasm, "sorry, I forgot how you've fully embraced aging even in your youth. View this." He dropped his phone on the desk.

"I truly give zero cares, leave my office and only come back when you have something important to offer."

Jalaal tsked, he was used to his friends horrible attitude, but unlike most times, this one was actually quite serious.

"Toh zaka ma damu, amaryar tamu ce ta zama model." (You'll start to care, since it's our bride that has turned to a model.)

Those words actually got General to look up from the files, he picked Jalaal's phone from the desk and looked at the pictures displayed on the screen, his eyes scanned the pictures, skimmed through the caption and then tapped on the comment,

Beautiful designs on a beautiful model 😍

Models @?

The clothes are stunning, so is the girl.

Body ❤️‍🔥

That's not plus size, that is hot.

Do the clothes come with the girl? 🥰

He stopped there, deciding not to read anymore, his eyes slowly darted back up to Jalaal,

"Who posted these?"

"Your little fan girl ofcourse, jannah sent them to me."

Laila. He realized. General sent the pictures to his phone, then pushed his seat back, got up and walked out of the office. Leaving behind the files that had all of his concentration only a few minutes ago, and also his laptop.

Jalaal packed up the things, deciding to have them delivered home to Adeel later.

It took Adeel all of ten minutes to arrive home despite the distance between the cantonment and his home, he parked his car and walked into the house in eerie calmness,

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