Warm conversations and hot cocoa.

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My alarm woke me up at precisely 11.am. I had snoozed it multiple times after setting it to ring at 7.am. I had truly overestimated my capacity.

Tonight was the first night in a while that I slept peacefully, I had my husband with me, safe and somewhat sound, and now jannah had hers too. It felt like a happily ever after despite knowing the story was just beginning,

With a sigh, I got up and went to my room where I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then rushed to the kitchen, realizing I hadn't prepared breakfast and General was nowhere to be found.

I saw Kate in the kitchen cooking, "Good morning ma'am." She greeted me,

"Good morning kate, what are you making?"

"Just some porridge. Your husband had fruits this morning before he stepped out," she informed me, I nodded at her and walked to the fridge to bring out some eggs,

Where did he go to? Has he resumed work already? Wasn't it a bit soon? My mind wandered but I brushed it off, deciding not to turn myself into an attached, nagging wife. My husband specifically will just embarrass me if i start doing too much.

He is not above telling me, "I don't need you playing housewife." I smiled at the memory, he is so rude.

I fried some eggs and made two avocado egg toasts, then went upstairs and found my phone, I texted him,

Me; made a late breakfast.

He read the message but did not reply, I didn't let it get to me though. I prepared some chai and put it in a flask for him, then set it all on the dining table and sat on it.

I started to have one of the toast with some apple juice, midway into my meal, the door opened up to reveal General. He was dressed beautifully in a white button down Ralph Lauren shirt and casual black plants, he is literally a meal. I blushed at my own thought and greeted him.

He sat on his chair and took the other toast I left, I poured him some tea in a cup and kept it infront of him. He surprised me by speaking up, "I went to the hospital,"

"Without me?" I don't know why I said that, ofcourse he went without me when I kept snoozing my alarm.

"We'll go back after Asr," he told me, it was almost time for zuhr now so I nodded and continued to eat my food.

When we were done, we packed up the plates and took it to the kitchen. Well I actually took it from him because I took mine first and I kind of noticed how frightened my help were of him. I didn't blame them though, he is simply the most intimidating man on earth. So I did Kate a favor.

General went to the mosque while I went upstairs to take a quick shower since I was currently not praying. I dressed up in a pink patterned silk dress and tied it's matching scarf, then chose a veil and purse that would go with it.

I didn't put on any accessories though because we still had some hours before we left so I would get ready when he goes for asr prayer.

When I got downstairs, I turned on the tv and sat on the couch, the movie that was playing on the channel I put was frozen 2, it reminded of Alisha. I had to go see my baby girl very soon.

I brought out my phone and tapped on my kindle app to read, since the tv wasn't much of an entertainment currently. General came in as I was reading, to my surprise, he sat on one of the chairs in the living room. But then he gave me a reality check by telling me to bring him his laptop. Id plugged it in our room last night and he didn't know so he probably couldn't find it this morning.

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