2 months, 2 weeks, 3days.

63 7 1


I included time frames in the last chapter so you'd understand this chapter better. This will be written in parts, an update or summary of every month to give you all a better understanding. Happy reading 💞!


General Muhammad Adeel.

1st April.

We'd landed in Lagos before 2pm and had gone straight to base. Previously, I had never gone more than a month away from this place since I got promoted, coming back now made me realize that I'd gone over two months in Abuja this time around.

That was probably what daddy had in mind when he coerced me into a marriage, it was a dream come true for him, surely.

Truthfully, I now had responsibilities, I would have to either officially transfer back to the federal Capital territory or move maryaam over to Lagos. That latter was nearly impossible, since she worked and loved her job. I could not take that from her, compromise they said.

Everything was set in place before my arrival, it was supposed to be easy, until they'd heard whiff of it through news media and practically declared a war by refusing to grant us access.

That was the first mistake the Cameroonian president Paul Biya made. According to him and his Chief of Army Staff, they were not harboring any terrorist and insurgent troops in their country.

I had tried going the easy route by having the insurgents we caught give them a verbal statement, they refused and even had the audacity to question our credibility, to accuse the Nigerian army of forcing a false confession.

Baaba had then issued out an official request from the presidential office, but Paul had placed pride his ahead of it, taking into account the border issues between Nigeria and Cameroon back in the early two thousands.

We were trying to cause an uproar, he'd said, because we had nothing else to with our time?

Personally, it was all I was waiting for to make my judgement, because I had long decided that come hell or high water, this mission was happening.

So we stayed behind a week in Lagos to strategize and train vigorously. I had chosen my best snipers by the end of our stay, and grouped my men into four teams.

Team A was led by major general Johnny Kenneth.

Team B was led by major general Jalaal Abubakar Bunza.

Team C was led by me, General Muhammad Adeel.

Finally, we had deployed backups to enable our illegal entry into the country. Their army was no match for ours, their president knew that very well,

So on our sixth night in Lagos, when he realized that we were going through with it, he reluctantly granted us access to avoid bloodshed and a potential war.

And because we'd practically forced their hand, they tried to sabotage us from the onset. I paid no mind to it because we had one mission and one mission only.

On the 7th of April, we landed in Cameroon.


29th May.

"General, with all due respect, we have been here for months and have done nothing tangible. We have waited long enough, it is high time we make our move."

I did not look up from the map infront of me once at major general Johnny Kenneth, instead I spoke up,


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