At least it would be something, though Saphira knew that the bots may not do that right now. They had more pressing issues unfortunately, and they would have to think about how to grieve and honour Bumblebee later. Especially now that there was a new threat on the planet, and it could be a threat to humans as well. Saphira didn't like it, but there was not much to do but face it. She didn't know if she would be much help to them either.

Saphira jumped when Optimus suddenly grabbed a rusty car suspension with wheels connected to it and threw it. He was clearly frustrated and hurt over the loss of Bumblebee, and he was taking it out on the environment, which Saphira completely understood. She watched as the rusty metal hit a water tower and lands on an old boat. This place they were hiding in seeming be a dumping ground, since the silos likely weren't used anymore.

Optimus was still holding his stomach, and he limped, thinking about the battle. "This is my fault." Saphira widened her eyes when he said it was his fault, because she knew it was not his fault. "It should have been me."

"You can't really mean that," Saphira said in a small voice, making Optimus turn to face her with great sadness in his face. "I understand how you feel...but you can't mean that...this wasn't your fault. You didn't know this would happen." Saphira wanted to stand and walk to him, but knew it was best not to. "We all lost someone today. He was like a brother to me...and I guess he was like a son to you, given he seemed young."

Optimus sighed deeply, knowing that what he said had upset Saphira. "There are many bots who I would gladly swap places to ensure that they would have survived an attack, Saphira. I am a leader...I am responsible for all of my autobots." He gestured to Arcee and Mirage as he spoke, and both of them look away. "And as such, it falls on my shoulders when things go wrong, Saphira."

"Even when it is out of your control?" Optimus nodded and looked away from Saphira. "I know you are a leader, Optimus, but you can't burden yourself with things that are out of your control. It will only drag you down. I've been trying to learn that too."

Optimus did not respond to her. He understood what she was saying, but he couldn't help but burden himself with the guilt and pain for not being able to take the place of other autobots. He wished things could be different. He looked at Bee's body and looked away with a grimace. He really felt that he was at fault because he could not even put a dent in Scourge's body. The bot was very experienced in fighting, but Optimus looked back at how he was fighting, and wished he could have fought differently.

"I am sorry for your loss," The Maximal said sympathetically, bowing her head as a condolence to the autobots and human. She was perched on top of a brick building while watching and listening politely.

"No, offence lady, but who are you again?" Mirage asked the bot with a curious frown. "We were fighting those things for, like, thirty minutes and you just show up breathing fire out of nowhere. Kind of suspicious to me." He placed his hands on his hips as he frowned at her. "We could have used a bit of backup if you are familiar with Scourge."

She smiled slightly as she was slightly amused by Mirage. "My name is Airazor. I am a Maximal. A warrior from both your past and future. And as for your question in regarding my sudden appearance, I was drawn to the city because of the signal from the Transwarp Key." Saphira listened to her quietly, and realized that made sense. "It is something that had not been intended to happen, but it seems that it was inevitable that the key would be uncovered again at some point."

"Oh right..." Mirage began in a sarcastic tone, acting like he was following what she was saying. "That...that tracks, yeah."

"We fled our home planet on the eve of its destruction. We sought refuge and hid here on Earth." Airazor glanced at Optimus as he was looking at her and listening to her story. "We have been hiding on this planet for a very long time. Although, as I am sure you can tell, we cannot hide in the same way as you can." Optimus nodded slowly in agreement. "So I have had to hide in the places of the world where there is less civilization. Though I had befriended some tribes in my time, and they had been very welcoming."

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