chapter 31 : It's for life

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Rain grinned, his heart swelling with affection for the man beside him. "I'll hold you to that," he replied, pulling Phayu into a tight hug. "But for now, let's enjoy this moment together."

With a contented sigh, Rain snuggled closer, basking in the warmth and love that surrounded them. As they drifted off to sleep, their hearts filled with love.

As the sun rose on the day of the wedding, excitement filled the air. Rain was surrounded by his closest friends, Sky and Ple, as they helped him prepare for the momentous occasion.

With laughter and chatter filling the room, Rain slipped into his wedding attire. Sky and Ple watched with awe as Rain transformed into the picture of handsomeness and cute at the same time, his smile radiant and his eyes shining with happiness.

"You look amazing, Rain," Sky exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with admiration as he adjusted Rain's tie.

Ple nodded in agreement, a proud smile gracing her lips. "P'Phayu won't know what is going to hit him when he sees you," she teased

Rain chuckled, his heart swelling with gratitude for his friends' support.

"Thanks guys, I couldn't have asked for better friends to share this day with." he said

Meanwhile, in another room, Phayu was getting ready with his friend Pai and his twin Saifa.

Pai and Saifa watched with beautiful smiles as Phayu put on the black costume looking way too handsome, his smile lighting up the room.

"You clean up pretty nicely, Phayu," Pai joked, a playful twinkle in his eye.

Saifa nodded in agreement, his eyes shining with pride.

"You're going to knock Rain off his feet when he'll see you," he remarked, not wasting time to tease more.

Phayu grinned, they can win today "Thanks for being here" he said

Outside the guests took their seats in the beautifully adorned venue. Among the guests were Rain and Phayu's parents sitting in front line, their faces beaming with pride and excitement for the union of their beloved sons.

The music swelled as Phayu made his entrance, escorted by his friends and surrounded by an aura of confidence and joy. With each step he took down the aisle, Phayu's heart pounded with excitement, his eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on the familiar faces of his parents.

Tears welled up in Phayu's eyes as he saw the love and pride shining in their eyes, knowing that they were there to witness this momentous occasion.

Phayu reached the end of the aisle, he turned to his friends with a grateful smile, their unwavering support filling him with a sense of calm and reassurance. With a deep breath, Phayu took his place at the altar, his heart pounding for the moment Rain would join him and they would exchange vows in front of their loved ones.

Meanwhile, After a moment Rain made his entrance with his friends by his side too, his heart racing with excitement and nerves as he walked down the aisle towards his love. With each step he took, Rain's eyes searched the crowd until they landed on the faces of his parents, their smiles filling him with warmth and love.

As Rain reached the end of the aisle, with a deep breath, he took his place beside Phayu at the altar, their hands intertwining as they prepared to exchange vows and pledge their love to each other in front of their loved ones.

With their parents looking on with pride and love, Rain and Phayu stood side by side, their hearts beating as one as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives together.

As Rain and Phayu stood face to face at the altar, their hearts overflowing with love and emotion, they prepared to exchange vows that would bind them together in a lifetime of love and devotion.

DARK DESIRES [PhayuRain]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora